Ready to adapt more Stoic techniques to evidence-based strategies? Applying reason to and thinking deeply about life lies at the core of Stoic . Yet, the application of reason, also known as , can be difficult. Let’s look at heuristics that can help. Adapting Techniques: Critical Thinking, Part 2 BasedTeaching @edutooters

Read part one:

Like Leonardo Da Vinci, we must base our practice on sound theory. When we don’t, we fail to improve the thinking that underlies our efforts. How can educators find research shown to work in practice?

@mguhlin @edutooters what are evidence based practices? I see that lots but I don’t see where the evidence is. I see efforts to make money and tell teachers what to do. What is critical thinking? I have never seen an agreed-upon definition. It’s all vague. Frank Smith says it’s essentially about power: wanting others to think better.

@imklg @edutooters @tdrummon @mguhlin

Most of these surveys (answer the questions to discover your learning style!) are pseudoscience. They don't have validity

@KaiserScience @edutooters @tdrummon @mguhlin you didn’t look at the site. The work done on this came from Dr. Martinez’ thesis and is part of why learning styles have been debunked.

@imklg @edutooters @tdrummon @mguhlin

I agree that "learning styles" are junk science. They never had any evidence to begin with. They were always (and CLEARLY) a scam to see things to school districts.

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