@shawrd773 Agreed. Sad to see Metatext removed. But there are other apps on the horizon, like @ivory , that may be useful to add when out of beta. It is the way. ;-) Let us bow our heads for a moment at the work of an amazing developer held back by the limitations all of us face as human beings.
@mguhlin add @megalodon
@themantra108 @megalodon I will see what I can do. I may save Megalodon for when after I've tried it, and the publication of the blog entry.
Thank you for sharing it!
@mguhlin @megalodon sure ,
but it is great
I tried most of them
@themantra108 Do you recommend @megalodon over Tusky and Fedilab? Tell us why!
@mguhlin @megalodon
See the features:- simple
Ui :- good ,use space below photo (unlike like tusky which is left on left side)
Unlisted post available
@mguhlin I’m sad to see Metatext removed—I understand why, given its creator’s inability to keep maintaining it—because its functionality in adding alt-text is better than all of the rest of the iOS apps.