Last year I had the chance of getting the #Cisco #SPCOR #certification but it didn't went well. I needed much more time to study.
Since the exam was already payed for I went anyway.
The exam was quite long and not easy at all so, as I expected, I failed, but the #journey to get to this point was not lost on me. What I've learned as been helping me a lot on my job and I finally understand stuff I was doing without knowing why so, if you ever get a chance like this and still fail, you really didn't failed at all if you have more knowledge now then you had before 🙂
I needed to sum up the #BGP basics, so I came up with these. Would you do it differently?
Got a help request call from the team today while preparing dinner for the kids.
They were trying to recover remote management of a #cisco router and where at it for a few hours.
Finish making dinner (kids do come first 😅) and joined them in a call.
10min later we find a pesky "no exec" on the line vty! It had been there for at least 1 year!
Got to say it felt good being able to help ☺️
Born in the 70's and love the 80's (music and films).
Work for a teleco and my hobby is scripting. #Python is my thing but we'll always have #Assembly 😃.
Repetitive boring tasks is not my thing, so I use #automation whenever possible mainly on my job but also at home.
I'm father of 3 kids and that's my real job, but I always find time to do something else.