just trying to find my friends leaving the twitanic
@erikengheim @mason
I ran the script a week ago and couldn't find 30 friends,
I ran it yesterday and found like 500.
We're boomin' alright
aw sweet, I'm ready for PL hot takes and recipes to be shared here :D
Awesome, and welcome!
Where could one go to learn the compiler optimizations that a Fortran compiler can do?
Gravitational waves change the distances between nearby freely-falling test masses. The patterns of deformations are not always easy to visualize, because they're usually written in terms of special functions few people know. Here's a #visualization of the GW strain if we had a binary orbiting at the middle of the sphere, in the x-y plane.
katharine I need you to save the cyberbullying for musk
we can't stop until he's divorced from his own hairplugs
lemme find my friends for like 2 weeks and then go on your self discovery journey
we got yeet off the twitanic lemme catch a break
nos federamos
ya tu sabe
la abri desde hace semanas pero volvi a hacer una migracion de amix de twitter y parece que pesque a cientos mas
@chrisrackauckas fun fact:
a lot of friends haven't been able to add me because my instance co-mingles with gab or something so I gotta switch again ;_;
Hey #julialang friends 👋
We have emojis, we have Julia REPL stanning, hopefully we will have our friends here too
@cscherrer fedifinder is a godsend, thank you
Ignore this account and please add
I will delete it in a week