It's useful to notice that shallow imitation in art or "kitsch" will also borrow the terms used to describe what it imitates. This includes "fine art" - as a non-native English speaker and US resident, I had to look up the definition of "fine art" because it seemed to be applied only to a certain style of paintings in a commercial context. None of what I consider interesting art would be labeled as "fine art". It was my surprise to find out it was defined as an equivalent of the French term "beaux-arts" which is rarely used in French and refers to art for the sake of it as opposed to decorating functional objects (decorative arts, "arts décoratifs"). I've grown allergic to the term "fine art" just like I've always been allergic to the brand of art it refers to today. I won't use the term "kitsch" to label the work of others because it's pretentious and mean but I will also not use the term "fine art" to describe what I do.