@mur2501@qoto.org @Inyan@sharknado.tombies.eu
Hopping is Sport. Sport is healthy
We had some issues with our other instance. Something was broken. It was easier to do a fresh Installation than fixing without knowing what exactly wasnt right
@mur2501@qoto.org @Inyan@sharknado.tombies.eu
"ich bin mur2501, ich bin Informatiker/ich arbeite als Informatiker" 🤓
@mur2501@qoto.org @Inyan@sharknado.tombies.eu the german river Rhein is male 😜
There are also several non german rivers which are female
@mur2501@qoto.org @Inyan@sharknado.tombies.eu that wasnt gendered. Spreche means you, spricht an other Person. I am speaking = ich spreche. He is speaking = er spricht.