mzan boosted

Next time when someone asks me which #Linux do I use my answer will be 


I have a few #ubuntu systems but there too the extra helpfulness on top of what #debian provides seems to confuse me more than it helps me and I sometimes run into bugs that I just don’t come across on #debian
Lately I am very impressed with the stability and reproducable nature of #NixOS though sometimes it takes a day or two before a critical software update for some package gets updated.
Oh and of course I also use things like #rasbian and #alpine but not too often.
And then there are #xcp-ng and #proxmox and #ovirt which provide special distributions.
Do you want me to continue on what I use on tablets and mobile phones?

It is a shame that in 2024, 35 years after Richard Stallman created the GPL, there is no EU or USA or international treaties taking in account copyleft licenses rights.

If a company A violates the GPL license, using the source code of a product P in a closed source product, then only the original authors of the product P can sue the company A, and only for the parts for which they own the copyrights.

Users of P and normal citizens cannot sue A. They have no "rights" to defend.

mzan boosted

Remember people, being politicially incorrect is good for your health with all of the following benefits:

* No constant stress about what you say
* All of the most toxic and judgemental people will hate you enough to not be around you.
* The people who want to be around you will be fun, good, non-toxic people
* You dont have to deal with constant drama over nonsense
* You live a live of quality, not quantity.

sorry if I misgendered your MIME-type and I didn't used You/Url as your preferred pronouns :-)

iced quinn  
@freemo @mzan oh no. now I'm an invalid xml element
mzan boosted

tips for being more #positive about your work!

❌ “I can’t fix this bug no matter what I try”
✔ “I am an avant-garde software artist”

❌ “my code won’t compile”
✔ “this is an abstract piece”

❌ “I never get around to implementing any of the features I want”
✔ “I consider myself a minimalist

❌ “sorry I forget to document my code…”
✔ “my art is about the journey, not the destination”

❌ “I have never finished a project”
✔ “I prefer to leave the ending open to interpretation”

❌ “sorry, this software is not compatible with ( )”
✔ “here I have chosen to make a political statement against ( )”

❌ “this memory leak causes the program to crash”
✔ “this program symbolizes the transience of mortality and reminds us all what is important in life”

> Just the part about referring to Lisp as a single language :)

Because, Lisp is a list of languages 🙂

mzan boosted

I opened one of my cookbooks for the first time in a long time and found this old flyer for a Tech Workers Coalition event at Omni Commons in 2018. Time is weird

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mzan boosted
mzan boosted

100 Mastodon myths:

1. Mastodon is hard.

FALSE. It’s a "soft"ware. Not hardware.

2. You have to use Linux to post on Mastodon.

FALSE. FreeBSD and OpenBSD are also supported.

3. You need to learn to use the Vim editor before posting on Mastodon.

FALSE. There’s also an emacs plugin.

4. Mastodon is only for computer nerds.

FALSE. As you can see, we sometimes try to make jokes that everyone could understand.

mzan boosted

It’s interesting that the biggest communication challenge facing Mastodon communities is explaining that it’s basically a protocol and a network of independent, interconnected servers, which is what the Web, e-mail, even DNS and most of the fundamental services we use on the internet are, and always were.
It just illustrates just how much ‘Big Tech’ proprietary social media platforms swallowed up and walled off, if it’s now difficult to explain what the internet actually is!

I played with Common Lisp and SDL, for generating a fractal image. I had fun!

Common Lisp was released in 1984, and Lisp in 1958, and they are still productive programming languages. Impressive!

COLOR reflective LCD computer monitor

Here, he says that it is like watching a paint:

I need one. Coding or reading papers on a traditional LCD is much more stressful respect paper.

I created a website for benchmarking solutions for Advent of Code:

It uses bigger data respect the original problems.

mzan boosted
mzan boosted

If you read Fictions of Luis Borges, and you liked the book, then read also Cosmicomics of Italo Calvino.

These short stories start from a scientific fact, but they became soon surreal, imaginative and with an irresistible touch of irony.

Best stories of Fictions (IMHO): "The lottery in Babylon", "The Library of Babel", and "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote".

Best stories of Cosmicomics: "Games without end", and "The dinosaurs".

It is better a vaccine today, than a Covid tomorrow.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.