@n i dabble a little, but more for fitness to play rugby (which i’m still trying to get back into)
@echoz 💪 more of a function training for you I suppose? I forgot it was a holiday today, and am an hour too early for the gym. Haha. Well at least I'll get choice pickings of the squat racks today..
@echoz I've always squatted barefoot but there was once I forgot my gym shoes and had to squat with "dress" shoes - the solid wood/leather sole with slight raised heel felt great and had me considering a pair of lifting shoes!
@n you really should. I was skeptical at first.
Right now I’m just facing inertia getting back into the gym. It’s been a month. 😕
@echoz no time like the present (schedule allowing ofc)! I took a long hiatus and getting back to the grind is both demoralising and eye-opening. Haha
@n i’ve discovered the wonders of weight lifting shoes. but other than that, core training helps a lot too at least for me.
close stance ftw!