Hey everyone! Happy to be "over here" 🐘 and excited to share our latest work: gamma oscillations enable precise spike timing and visual coding across the mouse visual system! Fantastic team effort by Donghoon, Kayla, Tony, and Joseph. Free share link: authors.elsevier.com/a/1gspg3B

Happy birthday…to us! 😉😃 🎂🥳 We're celebrating a milestone anniversary today: 75 years ago, on February 26, 1948, the Max Planck Society was formally founded in Göttingen as the successor organization to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. #maxplanck75 #maxplanckhistory

P300 linked to alpha oscillations! 🔥

Event-related modulation of alpha rhythm explains the auditory P300 evoked response in EEG


Nanthia Suthana
A wearable platform for closed-loop stimulation and recording of single-neuron and local field potential activity in freely moving humans nature.com/articles/s41593-023

Having a 2nd go at Wanderwolf's "An odyssey through the brain, behavior and the mind". Lots of good tidbits, such as:
"Research is sometimes compared to putting together a jigsaw puzzle. If this analogy is to be accepted, it is important to understand that in the research puzzle the number of pieces is unknown, many of the pieces are missing or belonging to a different puzzle, some of the pieces are simply random bits of material [...], and one has no idea what the final picture will look like".

How does the brain organize spontaneous behavior? Our latest (from the amazing Jeff Markowitz, Win Gillis and Maya Jay), reveals a surprising role for dopamine as a teaching signal during free exploration, even without an explicit task or exogenous reward.


Our new work with @TimGollisch and team is now out as a @biorxivpreprint!

We found that gaze shifts in natural movies drive concerted responses in populations of retinal ganglion cells. We think that these concerted responses violate the decorrelation prediction of efficient coding in a cell-type-specific manner in both marmosets and mice.

Check the manuscript for more details!


You were interested in capturing retinal axons in mouse superior colliculus in vivo (doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32775-2)? You will be excited by thalamocortical axons in mouse cortex! Check out our latest story on mapping thalamocortical monosynaptic connectivity in vivo (doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.28.522000) using #Neuropixels. By @JeremieSibille and Carolin Gehr, funded by the DFG.

1/ Please check out our recent review "The plasticitome of cortical interneurons" that just came out in Nature Reviews Neuroscience. nature.com/articles/s41583-022

#reintroduction #migration


I do #NeuroScience and am interested in the #Circuit dynamics of adaptive but reliable visually guided #Behavior.

In our group at the University of #Bonn, we study

- the stabilization of the neural code in #Vision, #Perception, #Learning, and #Memory

- the pathway-specific processing of #Sensory and #SelfMotion signals

We emphasize ethologically relevant behavior, longitudinal #Optophysiology, and miniaturized and benchtop #TwoPhoton microscopy.



What a pre-Xmas treat: Exciting study on FKBP5 expression in humans considering cell type, age and psychiatric disorders. Congratulations to Nathalie Matosin
and the whole team.


Apply for a PhD position in our new lab at SIDB, University of Edinburgh! We will use behavioral approaches, VR, electrophysiology and optical methods to asses locus coeruleus function in wild type and mouse models of autism spectrum disorder. Please share widely!


I am reading Bianchi's classic from 1895, "The functions of the frontal lobes", and I love the introduction ("with wholly unprejudiced mind, I began...") and the method of testing the electrical current ("I used to test the strength of current on my tongue"). The latter is clearly unhealthy, but even a few years ago the process for getting a gigaseal was somewhat similar... (yuck).

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