Very accessible walk-through of how Linux implements a spinlock on Arm32: If you aren't interested in Arm, but are curious about spinlocks, read the first half of the post where the author shows a primitive spinlock followed by a much more fair ticket spinlock.
@grumpygamer open source classic overhead shooter, #CDogsSDL
Was a freeware DOS game from 1997-2001, open sourced and I’ve been maintaining since 2013
One of the unusual features is that it can read wolfenstein 3d data, so if you have that installed via steam or gog, you can play through that whole game but overhead instead of first person
Waterfall pictures: #ham
You know how some people that know Java don't put it on their résumé because they don't want to work in Java?
For me, that's #autotools, #autoconf, #automake
PSA: please switch your projects to #Meson
Chat in files. Who needs sockets anyway?
This game is just a zdoom wad:
Play DOOM in Teletext
Alternative to #emacs keyboard organums:
If you're tired of openings, this #mpv script skips them pretty well
Thoroughly bonkers upcoming ASPLOS paper from some UCSD folks: making competitive cloud servers out of old Android phones they bought on eBay.
Bloody hell, look how amazing Supplice looks! A game by several very talented members of the Doom community, episode 1 is available on
This is how #emacs was meant to be driven.
If you think dracut is overcomplicated, give a glance to