@crschmidt Scutra has a nice patio with bike art overlooking the path, but it's not that great getting from the path to the entrance.
Not a business, but the new Lexington visitors center is well designed for the path, with plenty of parking and public restrooms easily accessible.
Sadly not currently open, but Bike Stop did have a rear door that they made clear was open for path users.
Possibly the biggest disappointment is Bedford Depot. Perfect spot for ice cream or a cafe.
@crschmidt @DemonHusky The Bike Stop will have to rebuild after the fire. SO now they do have a chance to try to get approved for a better interface to the path. When I spoke to them they said other businesses wanted bikers to make the effort to get to them, so they actively opposed anything that would lure them to a business that's right next to the path. Worth trying again now, methinks.