>Ryan Dawson lives in Japan
>"after the typhoon, there was no looting, nothing like that, I was just out repairing houses with people, saw some people sweeping up, they cleaned everything up within hours"

@augustus speaking of `s meteorologists now forecast that Mother Nature is lethally next set to devastate the entire U.S. East Coast anywhere from Savannah, to and beyond! This is very close to the world's largest Naval Base. Meanwhile reality deniers like Trump merrily tore up the Paris

@ozer you're gonna want to unfollow me ozer, i am extremely pro-Trump and do not believe in anthropogenic global warming. typhoons and other weather phenomena existed long before the industrial revolution, they will continue long after. even if AGW was true, these intergovernmental climate deals are just a circlejerk to control the economy and increase taxes. here is a list of other "reality deniers" as you like to call them: https://shitposter.club/url/2361989

@augustus Augustus if is all "one big corporate hoax" as your inherently implied, how do you/we/humanity account for the NASA verified and certified data that has been captured by scientifically-precise
earth-orbiting satellites and other tech advances. Augustus are you point blank denying the very heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide (C02) and other gases ? An inevitable, inescapable heat which we witnessed at the dawn of what you termed the "industrial revolution" (i.e. middle of the 19th century). Do you put forward a blind blanket dismissal on the increase of greenhouse gases causing the Earth to warm as attested by NASA/other bodies ? Let us be realistic and practical. Entire samples of Ice cores drawn from and tropical mountain glaciers show that the ’s responds to alterations in toxic greenhouse gas levels. Scientific testimony demonstrates this to us in ocean sediments, tree rings, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. Globally eminent climatologists are reminding us, time and again, that if by 2030 we do not reduce the global climate by 2 degrees celsius we are in for a rude awakening. Why are entire cities reducing their carbon footprint ? Augustus logically all this can`t be reduced to a corporate mafia conspiracy here is why - remember the il and gas and automotive industry stand most to lose from these bitter realities. Paleoclimatologists testify that current is mathematically occurring 10 times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming. In light of all the above and so much more evidence (melting of the glaciers, warming of the oceans etc) are you dismissing all this data as "weather channel fake news" ? I know we live in a "post-truth" world but common Augustus...... ?

@ozer it's one big government hoax, not a corporate one. NASA and NOAA are the agencies pushing AGW and they are bureaucracies controlled by the american government. there is plenty of independent evaluation of the datasets they use and people have shown them manipulating them to make the past ever cooler in order to create a warming trend in the present. CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, it has been magnitudes higher % than this in the past, eras like the eocene had high CO2 levels and the earth never experienced positive warming feedback back then. ultimately my position just comes down to not trusting the sources of authority. science may seem settled and convincing to you, but the table can be tilted in any number of hidden ways and governments have billions of dollars to spend distorting the market for truth by pushing out the more critical scientists (william grey for instance had his funding cut off for questioning global warming) and funding the ones who tell them what they want.

Exactly, what evidence would convince you anthropogenic climate change is a thing?

@arteteco @ozer 1) separation of government and science
2) same results observed
@augustus @arteteco @ozer but where should the funding come from? I wouldn't trust tobacco company funded research on the health effects of tobacco either, and if it's not taxpayer money and not corporate money, what is it?
@shpufeff @augustus @arteteco @ozer Even if glibal warming is real, we should do the opposite of whatever leftists tell us to do about it.

@shpufeff @noyoushutthefuckupdad @augustus @arteteco not that "classic" tbh it is this sort of reductive over-simplistic binary left-wing/right-wing mentality that has irreversibly polarised us in a "post-truth" world

@1iceloops123 @noyoushutthefuckupdad @augustus @shpufeff @arteteco @ozer LGBT still has protected puppy-dog status for the gays. While everyone ignores the genocide of MAPs. MAPs have the bad luck to be mainly those evil white men. 
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @augustus @shpufeff @arteteco @ozer Whenever the Leftists open their mouths, just shout POL POT! before they can finish their lates slogan.

So you argue that current results are actually pointing towards anthropogenic climate change, but they are plainly falsified? Do you have any evidence for that? They seem quite in line with the whole of our geological, physical and ecological understanding of the world.

@arteteco @ozer yes, the people who want AGW to be true are certainly producing lots of evidence which makes it look like that is the case. the fact that you, a complete stranger, find it incredibly important what my opinion on this is suggests that this issue is much more ideological and crypto-religious in nature than it would seem and that it is not just some simple objective science taking place. the powerful ideological incentive causing you to interrogate me is magnified by the bureaucrats who have actual monetary incentives in place for producing evidence of this kind. it's not cut and dry. people want it to be true, so it is.


Sorry if I didn't explain myself properly. I am from a very different context (in my country, Italy, there is not such a political debate around climate change), and I am a natural sciences student who is interested in the matter per se. I didn't mean to attack you, and I don't have a political, ideological or crypto-religious (what does that mean?) agenda.

I don't know how you can say that I have "a powerful ideological incentive" to "interrogate" you. I was trying to have an exchange of ideas.

Nevermind, peace.


@arteteco @ozer it's okay brah. also there is no debate about it here in the UK either, in fact the BBC just recently banned all global warming sceptics from ever appearing on their programmes. it's just that i am a total weirdo who likes to defend minority positions.

@arteteco ciao how is Italy under Salvini and what is your take on him, I believe his populism is toxic for @shitposter.club @augustus Augustus I came to as I have had it with their & purges (for today at least) are you folks on twitter if so what are your handles ? Augustus do tell me more about shitposter.club as in how many subscribers there are ? ( for e.g. I know qoto.org has 2 million listed subscribers (though it seems much less ) and Augustus & Arteteco which other emerging platforms do you recommend for reasonable intellectual ideas exchange ?

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