1. Found out where a local grocery store hides the Mexi-Cokes
2. Dense fog (and a sunset through it)
3. My team is doing well in the #MarbleLeague
@peterdrake Cool, who's your team? (If you say Savage Speeders, you're in the wrong place... Mastodon seems to be for good people) 😉
@RobynEC #TeamGalactic. You?
@RobynEC My wife @htdrake went for the #MidnightWisps.
@htdrake @peterdrake Hey, could be worse... could be #BallsOfChaos. Or #Hazers 😒
@peterdrake @RobynEC Just wait until next year! #MidnightWisps are just playing the long game. From down there in… 19th.