If you are a expert and understand how `cherry-pick` works at a fundamental level, I'd appreciate if you could take a look at this StackOverflow question: stackoverflow.com/q/75825183/4

Trying to figure out the best way to merge a specific PR that will make importing `datetime` significantly faster.

@pganssle not a git expert by any means, but could the c implementation live in something like _cdatatime and have the python one live in datetime instead?

@shironeko That's how it already works. Right now `import datetime` defines the whole Python implementation, then tries to import the C implementation to overwrite it.

After this change, `import datetime` will work more like `import zoneinfo`, where it tries to import the C implementation, then on failure it imports the Python implementation.

@shironeko Another option would be to basically put the entire Python implementation in the `except` block of a `try: ... except ImportError` construct, but that's ugly and horrible and also I'm not sure it would play any nicer with `git cherry-pick` anyway.


@shironeko The problem is that I think when you try to `git cherry-pick` A onto B, I don't think `git` will go, "Oh let me find the common parent of A and B, following the history of each file to find the target files in B in case they've been renamed in either A or B", I think it looks for a file with the same name in the same location or *maybe* it does that, then if it doesn't find one, it looks for a file in B that is sufficiently similar to A that you could call it the same file.

@shironeko If it does the thing where it looks for a similar file, I don't know why it's not finding `Lib/_datetime.py` in `main`, because those files are very close to identical.

@pganssle I wonder if you move the datetime.py to pydatetime.py, and have datetime.py be a small stub file. git will be smart enough to notice the rename. You'll need to have them in one commit since cherry-pick is explicitly "apply this commit without the history"

also I wonder if the two commit strategy you tried would work if you cherry-pick the two commit in sequence?

@pganssle @shironeko I’m pretty sure it looks for a file with the same name. If you do `mv file1.txt file2.txt` git will think you deleted one and added the other - even if the contents are identical. You have to use `git mv` to track the rename properly. I haven’t tried deleting a file and adding a completely different one with the same name (and am on my phone now) but I’m almost certain it would track that as modifications to the same file

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