Latest post is a big one: "Why you shouldn't invoke directly"
A lot of people don't know about this because we haven't been great about getting the word out. This blog post is in part an attempt to remedy this.
Please help spread the word!
From the archives of my blog but still very relevant: "pytz: The Fastest Footgun in the West", about why you probably shouldn't be using pytz:
Aw yeah, just preordered a Pebble Core 2:
Now I just have to wait ~9 months. I guess in the meantime I can start working on a custom watchface for it!
"Usually I go with the flow, but this time I decided to go for it, so I will go down to the office and tell my boss that I want to go up for promotion. If he doesn't go along with it, I won't just go away, I won't go down without a fight even if I have to go ahead and go around him and go over his head. It might be a lot to go through, but I don't want to let my life go by unlived! Sorry to go on for so long, going into so much detail. Say, you seem like a good listener, do you want to go out sometime? Then we wouldn't have to go it alone."
I am so often thankful that English is my native language. I am very grateful for everyone who, as an adult, has taken it upon themselves to learn our crazy system of phrasal verbs. I would really hate to have to try to remember all the differences in meaning that come from appending a different preposition to the same verb.
"The bully, looking for someone to pick on, picked out a boy who he saw picking at his face; the bully knocked down the boy's books that he was using to pick up lock picking and made him pick them up. Perhaps he thought this was a good way to pick up girls?"
(Note that "pick up" is used with 3 different senses in this paragraph).
Do you toot in multiple languages?
You can set the language for your toot in its settings, usually next to the button for making posts private.
Please always set your posts to the correct language!
This helps us in several ways:
* Allows filtering for posts in languages we do not understand.
* Allows the use of automatic translation software.
* Helps screen reader software select the correct voice engines.
My partner wants to share a sewing pattern on the internet somewhere. She's not trying to sell it, just have it in a place where people can get it. Is there a thingiverse/printables type place for sewing stuff (that is also free to post things on, and is also not "run your own website")?
things that are not this:
- (neat, but does not appear to be a place intended for people to upload their own things)
-, etsy, other similar sites (these are storefronts, she literally just wants to share a file, the same thing 3d printing people do with thingiverse)
- a git forge (I... guess you *could* do that? is that a thing people do in practice?)
See you all in 29 weeks when every human on earth is watching my son play Minecraft or Portal 2.
@hynek Though also I won't be offended if you want to go to someone else's talk, or if you don't want to go to any talk at all, or if you don't even want to go to Pittsburgh. I'm pretty easy-going that way
Today's important question: Who the fuck uses autotools to build a pure #Python package in 2025?
@pythonbytes @mkennedy
Hi! Re:
The stdlib does know what .txt and .html is, scroll down 60 lines and you'll see a mapping of 170 extensions to 116 MIME types:
>>> import mimetypes
>>> mimetypes.guess_file_type("my.txt")
('text/plain', None)
>>> mimetypes.guess_file_type("my.html")
('text/html', None)
The stdlib checks the OS database first, otherwise it uses the default mapping.
As someone who has been hoarding pebbles for some time now, I am very excited by this new development:
If it has an always on screen and physical buttons on the side, I'm in!
If your program is leaking memory (or CUDA memory, or file descriptors, or really any limited resource), one way to identify the problem is to use your test suite to identify specific problem APIs. I demonstrate this using pytest fixtures:
Is there a good library out there in Python that provides a simple abstraction over the major LLM providers, such that it's easy for me to swap out which one I'm using for a given project?
I find myself writing my own version of this because each of the LLMs have strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes for a project I want to test them all out before committing to use a specific one.
A few months back I looked at @simon's `llm`, but from what I could tell it was mostly wrapping ChatGPT or compatible APIs, and I wasn't sure how to use it for everything.
¿Me podrían recomendar blogs, glosarios u otros recursos con terminología tecnológica en español? Quiero aprender a comunicar conceptos sobre programación, redes, seguridad, "open source", "dev ops", accesibilidad, etcétera.
Can anyone recommend blogs, glossaries and other resources with technological terminology in Spanish? I want to learn to communicate about concepts in programming, networking, security, open source, dev ops, accessibility, etc.
Programmer working at Google. Python core developer and general FOSS contributor. I also post some parenting content.