@pganssle I can bring to the venue tomorrow
@mariatta Awesome! I do still need it, and tomorrow would be perfect. Thanks so much!
ha @pganssle, things always break when we ain’t home, where the fixing tools are
@cnx Yep. So frustrating when you horde some weird button or a piece of wire for like 10 years because you might need it some day and then you have the perfect use case for it but you're 3000 miles away
Or better yet, you kept the broken HP-41C for 30 years and then threw it away half a year prior to finding out that new "mother board" is available from a dude in Switzerland. But unfortunately forgot that you threw it away, so bought the mother board and have no HP-41C to put it in.... <brain-dead/>
@pganssle I have it. Do you still need it? And how urgent.