Time for the Wheelhouse of Horrors with László Kiss-Kollar.
#pyconus #PyConUS2023
Wow, numpy’s wheel contains 964 files.
Also apparently they ship their tests in their wheels (boooo).
“All of these examples are actual wheels on PyPI; in order to protect the innocent, I’ve removed the names.”
Watching this talk: “Lalala if I can’t hear you this can’t hurt me!”
#pyconus #pyconus2023
Did you know that you can just tag your wheel manylinux without actually making it manylinux compliant?
László’s bottom line: Adopt cibuildwheel.
#PyConUS #PyCon2023
@pganssle cobuildwheel is the best thing happened to Python since
Wait I think it maybe the best thing ever.
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Did you know that you can just tag your wheel manylinux without actually making it manylinux compliant?
#pyconus #PyConUS2023