@bernat @internetarchive When I wanted a similar thing, I used this: https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader
I doubt they'll have something easy to import into WordPress straight out of the box (though I haven't used WordPress in 15 years, so maybe it's easier now?), but at least you'd have the text, and you can do some cleanup on that.
Thanks Paul, this seemed to work well. I've downloaded all the posts. Now to copy and paste!
@pganssle Hi Paul thanks. I had seen that tool but wasn't sure if it was still relavant (it's 9 years old and some people filed issues saying it didn't work). But if it's worked for you I'll give it a go.
Yes, wordpress have a WXR file format for their backups/exports but I doubt WBW machine will create one so having text and doing cleaning will probably be the most I can do.
Thanks for the recommendation of that tool.