Do they have this specific brand and flavor of yogurt outside of Spain? I think it is basically Oikos Triple Zero, but this particular flavor is super good (it has little chunks of banana in it), and doesn't compare to the banana cream flavor we have in the States.
@pganssle They have it in Portugal and yes it’s yummy.
@adamchainz Getting slightly closer to the states...
@pganssle But the carbon emissions :(
@quentinpradet I don't *want* to fly to Spain every month to buy a case of yogurts, but I don't see that I have any other options.
This is going to turn me into one of those airline miles people who gets on random flights to Singapore for the points, except I'm going to have to set up an alert for any time plane tickets to anywhere in Spain drop below $100 so I can show up for 3 hours to buy yogurt and then fly right back.