🐍🏃➡️ Yesterday was the start of the #Python #CoreDevSprint! We worked on a wide range of topics, and held many discussions that just don't happen when we're all remote and async.
I opened 7 PRs, updated 2, reviewed 10, merged 3, closed 1 issue. As release manager, discussed with @brettcannon one of his projects after lockfiles, and with @freakboy3742, @Yhg1s, @ambv & Ned D ideas about mobile releases which wandered into ideas about security releases
See also @marriatta's https://mariatta.ca/posts/python-core-sprint-2024-day-1/
🐍🏃➡️🏃➡️ #Python #CoreDevSprint Tuesday highlights:
* Q&A with the Steering Council
* investigated slow docs builds with @AlexWaygood, reported to Sphinx (on Wednesday, Alex found the problem in CPython 👏)
* discussed docs with Eric Snow about his novel solution for comparing many code samples in a table with collapsible <details>
* proofread Guido's STAR voting proposal: https://discuss.python.org/t/changing-pep-13-to-adopt-bloc-star-voting/64971
* created 1 PR, updated another, reviewed 5
* group photo
* had my first ever Shake Shack
🐍🏃➡️🏃➡️🏃➡️ #Python #CoreDevSprint Wednesday highlights:
* Finished off a PEP, got a review. Will submit soon! 📅
* Promoted @Monorepo as a triager! 🎉 https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/551
* Developers-in-residence Q&A
* Whole room discussion about typing CPython https://discuss.python.org/t/static-type-annotations-in-cpython/65068
* Discussed expanding SC voter pool with @mariatta, @gpshead & @Yhg1s https://discuss.python.org/t/collecting-feedback-about-expanding-the-voter-pool-for-sc-elections
* Reviewed 9 PRs, created 2, updated 1
* Sprint adjacent: @sethmlarson proposed we drop GPG for #Python314: https://discuss.python.org/t/pre-pep-discussion-stop-providing-gpg-signatures-for-cpython-artifacts/65058
🐍🏃➡️🏃➡️🏃➡️🏃➡️ #Python #CoreDevSprint Thursday highlights:
* I submitted #PEP2026 (Calendar versioning for Python) to the steering council for consideration!
* Update from Brandt Bucher on the #JIT compiler. We're heading in the right direction: “We went from 0% slower to 0% faster”
* I gave yesterday's @HelPy quiz. Most incorrect answer was a pleasant surprise: we've had ~400 new contributors to 3.13!
* Magic by Pablo Galindo Salgado
* A tour of the Meta office. Big thanks to Meta for hosting us!
🐍🏃➡️🏃➡️🏃➡️🏃➡️🏃➡️ Heading home soon after a hugely productive #Python #CoreDevSprint. Huge shout out to Itamar Oren & Meta for organising!
🎙️ I was on the #core.py podcast with @ambv & Pablo! Expect a special edition soon featuring many sprinters
🧑🎓 Discussed ideas for docs tooling to refresh the tutorial with @mariatta, Jelle Zijlstra, Petr Viktorin and @freakboy3742
📖 Made demo using PyData Theme for the docs
* Created 6 PRs (including adding #PEP740 attestations to PyPI packages), reviewed 11
@pganssle @hugovk why did you never bring me reindeer poop licorice Hugo :(((