THANK YOU Joel Rosenblatt and the SF Gazetteer for putting it in plain language.
Three coyotes were killed in SF.
And they were killed because of us. Because people fed them and thought it was so cute to watch them chow down on rotisserie chicken. People feed coyotes because it's CUTE and they look like dogs and isn't that sweet.
And it is sweet until it isn't.
Lots of coyotes in my older Portland neighborhood now. The bunny population exploded in the early pandemic when the streets became quiet, and the coyotes followed, and now the presence of both is the new normal. There's at least one family with lots of pups living on a steep, densely vegetated hillside -- actually someone's yard --near here. People have responded by posting flyers explaining what to expect and how to behave around them.
The neighbors seem very clued in, but the coyotes are _very_ comfortable around people. One crossed with me in the crosswalk at a busy intersection; understood it was safe to go when I did.
Most people are really charmed by them, others feel threatened. I've little doubt that something tragic will happen sooner or later.