Why do the Russian people believe what they must know to be lies? They can't deal emotionally with the reality, and they are aggressively offered a more comforting lie that happens also to keep them out of trouble with authorities if they go along with it. It's a very old cultural trait, predating even the Soviet Union.
@wesdym I'm really puzzled by this too; a deep cynicism about the official narrative is absolutely innate to Russian culture. What countervailing factors cause them to, perversely it seems, close ranks and actually support the bullshit are a little obscure to me.
@pieist My sense is that to the average resident of what we call the RF (and various Russian possessions through history), the whole system seems impossible to resist, and so it's better to go along to get along. The concept of 'vranyo' (artful, shared mistruth for common purpose) is endemic. And everyone fears if they're NOT working some scheme, they're behind other people -- and too often, they're probably right.
The cycle of endemic corruption must somehow be broken.
@pieist For leaders, the goal is power for its own sake. It's no deeper or more complex than that. For followers, it's just ignorance, stupidity, or bigotry.