@falcennial I'd need a save point and a mushroom.
@openculture I thought AI was now the bubble of the day. But I'm not complaining, at least with Bitcoin most people presumably already know it's pretty much useless.
@EdCates I don't get it, where is this taking place, on Twitter? In DMs? I'm not popular nor a woman so people usually don't care what I write :)
@falcennial Perhaps feudalism is the natural state of capitalism :) You're right though.
@falcennial Sometimes it's difficult to get rid of a system that makes democracy worse, and the US has a few of those. Capitalism and democracy are not the natural state of human civilisations, feudalism and monarchy are. We need to actually shape the tools we use to keep being democratic.
@falcennial ,I like it.
@jrp I think you can, you just choose not to.
@rebeccawatson I only play games which the right calls satanic.
@Richard_Littler I would assume they've already tested how many emails they should send for best results. Those campaigns are very data driven.
@fredbrooker Mostly 8.1 with a dash of 7.x and higher 8.x.
@greegreehoist When we want people to be quiet they should be shutting their talk hole.
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