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@freemo @tio @admitsWrongIfProven

Say if I joined an instance and my friend joined another, if one of our instances block the other then we can't communicate anymore, this is a big problem with defederation. I can of course ask my friends to join the same instance I'm on, but this will lead to centralization which is bad for fedi. This is where #UFoI comes in, its a group of instances that I know for sure will be federated with each other, so I can just ask my friends to join one of the instances listed there.

And the transparency bit is something I really appreciate, I know there are some bad actors on fedi that engage in slandering and false accusations without any evidence backing their claims, so I hope #UFoI can solve these issues.
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Mastodon meta 

My least favourite sharp edge of Mastodon is the fact that when you view someone else's post you only see replies to it that are known to your server - so there's actually a good chance there will be relies that are completely invivible to you, especially if you run your own instance

I'd love it if tapping a post kicked off a request back to the original server that fetched the current reply count, and provided a "view all replies" button if there were replies not yet visible to me

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Here is my #Introduction, with hashtags. I’m an #author and essayist, part of, and hopeful about, the #TwitterMigration.

I write about #science and #technology and their cultural effects. My books include #Chaos, The #Information, and #TimeTravel, as well as biographies of Richard #Feynman and Isaac #Newton.

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German nation-wide emergency alert exercise message delivered via UnifiedPush as KDE Plasma desktop notification, within a minute of the cell broadcast :) #kde #unifiedpush

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A castle in Italy has braille etched in the railing that describes the view for blind people🤎

"Inhaled CO2 Concentration While Wearing Face Masks: A Pilot Study Using Capnography"

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I am 100% not shitting you when I say scientists named mastodons after their teeth which they thought looked like nipples. “Mastos” as in breast. “odont” as in tooth.
We’re on a website that, in Greek, literally means “Booby Tooth.”

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I wrote a blog post about the progress we’ve been making on the Block Protocol. What is it? Why do we need it? We’re also announcing a Wordpress plugin that makes it easy to insert Block Protocol blocks into Wordpress posts.

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Hi, I am a theoretical physicist working in #statisticalphysics of disordered systems, #machinelearning, #informationtheory etc.. Interested in #science, #littérature (mostly in French, but also in English and Italian), #classicalmusic. I have been working on quite a few different topics, my two books "Spin glass theory and beyond", written with G. Parisi and M.A.Virasoro and "Information, Physics and Computation", written with A. Montanari, give some partial idea of my center of interest

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The new whiteboard feature of #Logseq looks nice but it won’t be a replacement for the #Excalidraw integration, which is still very buggy that it is almost unusable. We really need a good way for quickly drawing some shapes with arrows and lines between them.

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Opinions from #ToolsForThought folk desired:

Many of the recent spate of PKM tools are outliners or at least very graph oriented.

What impact do you suppose this has on getting to the narrative, story, or even gestalt of a thing?

I sometimes worry that outlines are great at facts and deduction but less great at tales, induction, intuition.


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With all the new mastodon instances, I'm wondering how many admins are prepared for law enforcement (or other) agencies to come asking for people's information. In many cases the law enforcement is not entitled to this information, nor needs it, but how many admins know what to do and how to be sure they only respond to legitimate requests? And even what their own rights are in these situations? (Which will vary according to local laws.)

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hey did you know the roots of a cubic polynomial can be visualized using an equilateral triangle?

🔵 vertices are roots
🔴 the incenter is the inflection point
🟢 the incircle boundaries are the local minima/maxima

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Since Mastodon saw its initial popularity circa 2017, I've noticed that most users and those reporting on it either don't think about the Fediverse as anything more than Mastodon, or treat its history as beginning with Eugen Rochko and the beginning of Mastodon. In fact, Mastodon is the latest in a long line of federated social networks, going at least back to, and though I wasn't around for all of it,I find this history pretty interesting. (Thread; boosts welcome!)

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Here's your irregular reminder that:

Twitter was a multi-billion dollar company with thousands of employees.

Mastodon is a niche hobbyist product run by volunteers

The fact that we're being seen as a viable alternative to them is an admission that a federated, decentralized future is not only possible, but desirable.

Mastodon is not one thing, or one place. It's a network of many things and many places. We don't have a spokesperson (I mean, there's me. I'm the official spokesperson for 💯 of the fediverse, but beyond me there is no spokesperson) we don't have consensus on moderation or blocking or tools or what is good and what is bad. Some of us are professional SREs and Sysadmins, some of us aren't. Some of our instances have been around for 5+ years, some won't be here in six months.

And that's good! All of it, every last bit of it is good.

We're wrestling power away from the billionaire class, in real time, and reclaiming it for the People.

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@ajroach42 Exactly this 👆the fediverse is political. It’s not just an alternative to billionaire controlled social media platforms, it is a complete rejection of them. Everyone who comes here, especially those wonderful folk who delete their bird accounts, are making a political and ethical choice. It feels good it feels right and it’s the future.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.