I really dislike "country music," but Apple Music has decided that I want between one and three such songs in my weekly playlist every week. I'm not sure why, except that perhaps the definition is fuzzy. I enjoy Dawes and Taylor Swift, for example, but Zach Bryan and Old Dominion were artists I couldn't stand for more than a couple of seconds.
I hoped that diligent instant-skipping of the songs would "fix" Apple Music within a week or two, and followed up with a week of avoiding my New Music Mix entirely in favor of other (non-country) playlists. I've even tried the "suggest less like this" button, but it's been at least five weeks with no obvious improvement.
Am I going to have to cancel a family subscription because they can't fix their New Music Mix playlist?
Maybe so.
@pwinn They need to hire a TikTok engineer.
I worked on an AI Recommender system for a large company I won’t name to avoid tangling with Disney lawyers, so I know it can be a hard problem. But gee whiz! I’ve always thought negative features ought to be weighted heavily, but most ML folks seem to disagree.
Since I have no familiarity with "country music" artists, I mistakenly mentioned Zach Bryan in my initial post, but I found that song, "Starved," is fine! Good, even!