A few days in, now ready to post my #introduction.
I'm a software developer currently at #lyft, formerly at #twitter, #salesforce, and #nuance.
Met my wife in the #lindyhop scene, and we have 2 kids, living in #seattle.
Because it's generally interesting to folks right now, in the midst of the #TwitterMigration I'll also say I was on the API and TFE teams for 2.5 years 2012-2015. My biggest contributions were probably in the realm of killing the monorail, and slaying tech debt has more or less defined my career.
@richunger funny, there seem to be a lot of tech guys in lindyhop szene.
@hopit bay area was a big center for lindy hop in the late 90s and a long time after. It was also really popular among Stanford undergrads.
@richunger nice to meet you