#Brain2Pix: Fully convolutional naturalistic video frame reconstruction from brain activity https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2022.940972/full by @kateiyas et al.; #neuroscience #AI
Not been on here long, but a few
🧵 #feditips🦉 learnt:
🍄 Go-wide/follow more 🦔 Your timeline’s populated by who you follow so follow liberally (not just high-profile folks) and go to the edges of the fediverse (not just your own instance)
🦊 There’s no algorithmic boosting 📈 Boost liberally to share and promote
🐑 Share and promote toots not (high-profile) people 📢 To expand + thicken the network, do less sharing of those with lots of followers and promote toots that might not otherwise spread
Multisensory integration in the mouse visual cortex https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10619/presentation/83308 "The auditory cortex, for instance, sends numerous projections to the visual cortex in mice"; via Twitter, "What information does auditory cortex (AC) send to the visual cortex (VC) and how is this info distributed across visual areas?" https://twitter.com/Flor_Iacaruso/status/1591550779009253377 #SfN22 #SfN2022 #crossmodal #neuroscience
RT @IntlBrainLab@twitter.com
🚨 BIG DATA RELEASE 🚨 We are beyond excited to announce the release of our Brain Wide Map of neural activity during decision making! It consists of 547 Neuropixel recordings of 32784 neurons across 194 regions of the mouse brain 🐭🧠
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IntlBrainLab/status/1591491465557184513
RT @leafs_s
How the stress of fight or flight turns hair white https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03949-8
RT @KellerStanfordU
Those #SFN2022 check out @JeffreyBondWang's awesome talk w/iEEG to undercover the mechanisms of #TMS 🧠⚡️
Effects of TMS on the human brain recorded with intracranial electrocorticography
SDCC 24, 11/15/2022 8-8:15 AM
@boeslab @StanfordBrain @SfNtweets
I am looking for people who can translate example codes in #R to an equivalent #Python, #Julia, or #MS #Excel code for my #educational #datascience #blog.
Science people! 👩🔬 👨🔬
There are some curated lists of scientists to follow on Mastodon here:
➡️ https://github.com/nathanlesage/academics-on-mastodon
(Originally shared by @kcarruthers but reposted so that I can pin the link on my account)
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/all-about-ens-current-value-decentralized-domain-names-and-what-to-expect-in-the-future
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/all-about-ens-current-value-decentralized-domain-names-and-what-to-expect-in-the-future
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1590197500291399682#m
All You Need to Know about Web3 Centralization vs Decentralization: Websites, Domain Name Services, and More - https://hackernoon.com/all-about-ens-current-value-decentralized-domain-names-and-what-to-expect-in-the-future #web3 #centralization
The web-based open source software #CATMAID was devised as "google maps but for volumes". Documentation at https://catmaid.org and source code at https://github.com/catmaid/CATMAID/
Modern #CATMAID enables hundreds of #neuroscience researchers world wide to collaboratively map neuronal circuits in large datasets, e.g., 100 TB or larger, limited only by bandwidth and server-side storage. The goal: to map and analyse a whole brain #connectome.
Running client-side on #javascript and server-side on #django #python #postgresql, it's a pleasure to use–if I may say so–and easy to hack on to extend its functionality with further widgets.
The first minimally viable product was produced in 2007 by Stephan Saalfeld (what we now refer to, dearly, as "Ice Age CATMAID), who demonstrated to us all that the web, and javascript, where the way to go for distributed, collaborative annotation of large datasets accessed piece-wise. See the original paper: https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/25/15/1984/210794
See also public instances at the #VirtulaFlyBrain http://virtualflybrain.org/ particularly under "tools - CATMAID - hosted EM data such as this #Drosophila first instar larval volume of its complete nervous system https://l1em.catmaid.virtualflybrain.org/?pid=1&zp=108250&yp=82961.59999999999&xp=54210.799999999996&tool=tracingtool&sid0=1&s0=2.4999999999999996&help=true&layout=h(XY,%20%7B%20type:%20%22neuron-search%22,%20id:%20%22neuron-search-1%22,%20options:%20%7B%22annotation-name%22:%20%22papers%22%7D%7D,%200.6)
#Drosophila larvae rockin’ and rollin’ by the hand of master @dantracey ’s lab. Opening the gates to understand how neural circuits control motor behavior via the #connectome
I'm reading Bayesian modelling and computation in #python as a way to break out of my usual silo.
Really enjoying the slightly different perspective and approach so far so would recommend it.
Does anyone have suggestions for epi-related #pymc projects I can dig into before attempting to use in anger?
Hello #rstats users. I work on things #timeseries #AnomalyDetection #RPackages #visualisation #ggplot2 #python #datascience #Astronomy among other things. Hoping to connect with the @rstats community here.
re - #introduction because I've moved from mastodon.online (which appears to have server instability?) to sigmoid.social.
Hi all! 👋 I'm a PhD student at Johns Hopkins working on medical image processing, specifically super-resolution of MRI.
Looking forward to connecting with everyone!
Super-res is an inverse problem and therefore we have to "make up" information. This is particularly dangerous in medical scenarios, so I'm working on understanding when (if ever!) machine learning-based super-res can safely be applied to MRI with signal processing foundations.
Lately, I'm moving more into just studying the forward problem (i.e., blurring with a point-spread function and sub-sampling the signal) before applying s.o.t.a computer vision models.
An algorithm engineer now working at #NeuralGalaxy.
Mainly focus on #MRI and #fmri data processing of both #DICOM #NIfTI file format using #Python #nibabel #ANTS #Freesurfer etc.
Also interested in #NeuroscienceDataViz, #Coding, #ImageRegistration.
Want to know how to make your researcher’s data processing painless and **MAKE IT**.