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rlamacraft boosted

One problem of doing any #retrocomputing is I get used to bytes and kilobytes again, and then when I see modern junk need megabytes or gigabytes, I flip my shit and scream "what the fuck do you need 325,000 Atari 800s for just to draw a screen?!"

rlamacraft boosted

Saw the news that Tesla is now accepting Bitcoin payments for cars, so I looked up some figures and did some math.

According to Tesla's own figures, a Model 3 saves 30 tons of CO2 emissions over its lifetime compared to a traditional car. A Model 3 costs 0.69-1.21 BTC. Mining one BTC results in 257 tons of CO2 emissions.

For the next time someone tells you Elon Musk is saving the planet.

I miss doing type driven development. So much more satisfying than this hogwash

If vaccinated old people can go to the pub this summer but their soon-to-be jobless kids can’t I’m convinced there’s going to be widespread riots. When furlough ends things are going to get tense.

I find it hard to listen to podcasts about languages like Elm and Reason ML because I just get jealous that there are people who get to use them in their day job

YouTube is a video a hosting platform. If I see a cool ad, why is there no way for me to search for and share it? Is that not what their customers want?

rlamacraft boosted
a large number of nfts already no longer exist because the nft just contains a url to a startup's website and the website is dead. or, it contains an ipfs link to an ipfs node run by the startup, and the startup died and nobody is serving the file anymore
rlamacraft boosted

I’ve just spent 2 hours debugging an issue which turns out to be because JavaScript was silently converting my integer to a string… Not even quotes around it when printing out… just great.

The fact that we as an industry decided to take a programming language designed for normal folk to add a little bit of interactivity to the personal websites and use it to build commercial grade applications is honestly one of the worst decisions of the 21st century. Pure stupidity.

“Several years ago, I was chatting with another engineer from a close competitor. He told me about how they'd set up a system to run hundreds of data processing jobs a day over a dozen machines, using docker, load balancing, a bunch of AWS stuff. I knew these jobs very well, they were basically identical for any company in the space.
He then mentioned that he'd noticed that somehow my employer had been processing thousands of jobs, much faster than his, and asked how many machines we were using.
I didn't have the heart to tell him we were running everything manually on my two-year-old macbook air.” — just amazing! 😂

“Fixed width typeface with ligatures” is a bit of an oxymoron really

Why is billing address even a thing? Why is providing my physical address necessary for me to purchase an entirely digital good?

I just don’t understand what can drive someone to such monstrous behaviour. Calling them “dogs” just doesn’t do it justice

rlamacraft boosted

“Debugging is the subtle art of reconciling what you think you asked a computer to do with what you actually asked a computer to do.”


There cannot BE a better definition.

rlamacraft boosted

Hey, if you're one of the ppl saying cryptoart will *finally* let you "support indie artists" - most of us already have a Ko-fi tipjar/patreon/comissions/various stores linked in our bios or pinned messages. If you haven't done that yet you weren't even trying.

rlamacraft boosted

Just when I think I’ve found an actually usable text editor on iOS it mysteriously looses my changes to a file. Worse than useless.

Ok, Planet Money has convinced me NFTs are maybe not entirely crazy. I guess the real crazy thing is the art market in general. My ultimate opinion will probably fall on who ultimately benefits. If digital artists end up making their worth compared with more traditional art forms then good. But if big business and rich investors end up making the most then what have we really gained (other than a whole bunch more carbon emissions).

Why does there even need to be separate music awards for different genders? I get there’s a biological difference in most sports, but music? Seems needlessly divisive. The Nobel prizes aren’t gendered, why is music?

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