Near as I can tell, it is the same as a user you can follow. It consolidates all the messages.
@freemo This is working
@freemo Now I remember why I made the change. The browser doesn't like the C++ in the name and truncates the URL.
@freemo I created a group on and it appears in their hashtag directory. But it isn't appearing anywhere else.
@freemo How do I create a group?
📢 Episode 140 is out! 📢 In this episode, @code_report and @ben_deane interview speakers live from 🇨🇦 @cppnorth 🇨🇦 2023:
* @vincent4096 (Vincent Zalzal)
* @ciura_victor
* @tristanbrindle
* @derghulbus (Andreas Weis)
This episode was a blast!
@beckyhammer Heard a similar comment from a teenage girl. I wanted to repl, "Dear, come back when you're 40, divorced with 2 kids and this is the only time you can get out."
Based on the comments here and another private one, I'll accept that function overloading and similar techniques are polymorphism. That defines the term as "type-based dispatch", or, in more C++ terms, "type-based invocation". I can work with that. The main focus will be on the override pattern, CRTP, and other approaches I've yet to discern.
@mpuckett I am trying to create a group but it isn't showing up. Any suggestions? The group is
Testing if the group is working. I just created it for #cpp and #CPlusCplus discussions.
@outofcontrol The server shouldn't matter in the federated universe. The only advantage would be the local timeline would contain a lot of C++.
A group seems the best approach so I created one. 🤔 Try following and include it in your message.
We'll see if it works.
@gdinwiddie Nah, you were just lazy.
@freemo If it works, it's a Fluke.
Thinking about a conference talk on non-virtual polymorphism. I did an article on Medium with the overload pattern so I have the material. But the definition of "polymorphism" is slippery. For example, is function overloading polymorphism? I don't think so but if polymorphism is type-based dispatch it kind of fits. 🤔 🤔
Any thoughts?
@muxelplexer Replaced the ! with @ but still no result on a search.
@mattgodbolt Enjoyed learning more about Compiler Explorer and meeting you.
@gdinwiddie @thirstybear @jessitron
I just watched it. Her material is great as usual.
@muxelplexer No result when I search on !
I am a retired software developer. Wrote my first FORTRAN IV in 1968. I am still writing C++. I have worked in embedded systems. I have done amateur robotics (non-destructive), including competing in NASA Centennial Challenges. The header image is from the Space Robotics Challenge.
Wrote for for a few years about C++ with a focus on Arduino and Pi.
I am an Amateur Radio Operator, or Ham, licensed as K5RUD by the US FCC. That means I can build a transmitter without the FCC checking my build. Nobody but hams can do this.
Father of 2, although I lost my son in 2014. Grandfather of 3 (2m, 1f) and g-grandfather of 1 male.
I follow C++, legal, political, SF authors, and general random discussions.