Project Science Of Electric Guitar: we did wave interference on paper, just estimating dots, then fired up an old school oscilloscope with two signal generators and nailed the same pattern by fluke picking two musical notes. Then we did some soldering, cos we're going to build a proof-of-concept amp. Best first-go soldering I've seen.
Today was a review of the work of John Deacon (electrical engineering and the legendary "Deacy Amp"), and Brian May's work on spectroscopy, and the similarities between sound waves, electrical waveforms, and light waves.
Then we started our amp: jack connection wires and input capacitor soldered into place. Next week is the transistor...
I'm surprised to hear beats, given that I don't think I've seen destructive interference of nearby peaks in spectrum ever. Where does this difference come from?
@robryk It's nanometer wavelengths converted to Hz sine waves, so not strictly comparable, I just liked the way the numbers matched up. But yeah, the beat frequencies were a lovely surprise, mostly down to the main ~100s nm optical range being tight compared to the 20-20k range of human hearing.
@robryk It's all in (ugly, hacked together) javaScript if you want to play with it :)
Unless I get distracted, I will probably try to make loudnesses of different frequencies to scale.
Now that I think of it: do stars produce coherent light from our POV?
@robryk The spectral lines are all single wavelengths when emitted, but a certain amount of smearing goes on due to doppler shifts from the star's rotation, e.g. the light from the side rotating towards us is bluer, the other side redder.
Further complicated by interstellar hydrogen clouds absorbing different wavelengths depending on their relative velocity, causing the "Lyman-alpha forest", which is a great name for a prog-rock band.
> The spectral lines are all single wavelengths when emitted
That's certainly wrong: the excited states would be stable if they were energy eigenstates. Are you saying that rotational Doppler smear is much larger than this?
> Further complicated by interstellar hydrogen clouds absorbing different wavelengths depending on their relative velocity, causing the "Lyman-alpha forest", which is a great name for a prog-rock band.
TIL. Thank you very much. Do I UC that this basically applies a filter (so can shift peaks only insofar they are not ideal Dirac deltas)?
Sorry for not being clearer: I was thinking more of the spatial coherence than spectral.
> Sorry for not being clearer: I was thinking more of the spatial coherence than spectral.
Or, actually, to be more precise, I was wondering how similar the situation is to a multitude of emitters emitting at different frequencies, esp. as far as phase coherence between them would manifest. (For non-spatially coherent sources the obvious answer is that you have all the possible phases coming from different directions.)
Ah, this surely also relies on the size of the receiver, because it seems to be a consequence of the diffraction limit.