@freddyym blast! When you move your site from test to production and forget to update your analytics script. Ahh well, at least Plausible makes it easy to notice when I am not getting traffic. So I only lost the first 45 mins of interest...
@freddyym ooh, thanks for the suggestion. Mailchimp isn't implemented yet, just a preference over the other option I was looking at - Active Campaign.
Perhaps buttondown would serve my needs better.
@freddyym very much! I do find with technology that it offers the world at first, but in time elements drag and one switches up. It is what has seen me change platforms in the past and will likely again in the future. But for today I like its cleanness and customisations. As for tomorrow...
Day #060 of #100DaysToOffload and my online presence is evolving. Time for Version 3.0...
New post:
Client side vs server side analytics: What's the gap in data?
In which I compare my website stats from Plausible Analytics with the stats from AWStats
Day #059 of #100DaysToOffload and it is some basics of finding flow.
Day #058 of #100DaysToOffload and I dig up Time Capsule I and contemplate some of its messages.
An Underappreciated American Scholar
Dr. Thomas Sowell has been both a friend and a colleague of mine for over a half-century. On June 30, he will have completed his 90th year of life, and
Day #057 of #100DaysToOffload and I go down the rabbit hole of membership.
Day #056 of #100DaysToOffload and I write about leading from the front.
@hund @basil I had an ergonomic assessment about a year back and they recommended moving away from tilting my keyboard. Took a few days to get use to it, but haven’t looked back.
I also use to prefer non-mechanical keyboards as even with a small tilt, I preferred a flatter surface. I recently shifted to the Corsair K70 low profile and am loving it as it seems to give the best of both worlds. But would be interested in feedback on other options.
Congratulations to Boston, which just banned facial surveillance technology. This is another step toward protecting civil liberties everywhere. https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/06/23/boston-facial-recognition-ban Learn about face surveillance and why we supported legislation to defend privacy rights: https://protonmail.com/blog/face-surveillance-moratorium/
Day #055 of #100DaysToOffload and I am proud to admit: red tape is fun.
Day #054 of #100DaysToOffload and I am intrigued to learn about a a novel approach to music.
If you must use website analytics, give yourself a set of core values to operate under and continually ask:
Are we using the metrics to empower our disenfranchised and underserved users?
Are we using tools that maintain the right to #privacy?
Is our analytics engine in an #opensource ecosystem?
Are we exploiting users based upon their perceived age, religion, race, gender or relationship status?
#ethics #webmasters #internet #marketing #google #matomo #analytics #tracking
Day #053 of #100DaysToOffload and I am at the base camp of Everest. A steep digital ascent awaits!
Day #052 of #100DaysToOffload and I muse on the circularity of conversations.
@dino the main 'feature' isn't really a feature, more a hope: customisation.
What I am enjoying about Ghost is my coding ability is essentially the limit. While with write.as, they have built a platform for a deliciously minimalistic audience (I count my self among such people), but some senses they have stripped things back a little too far.
Two key examples are search functionality and the inability to create more complex menu paths. Also, I am finding the sorting and navigation, now I am getting a sea of articles on my blog, somehing of a challenge in write.as.
But in Ghost, I can refine my search by tag, date published, author (if you have multiple contributors to your blog) etc. I can even sort by draft, published, scheduled or featured. Great tools to manage your writing.
Day #051 of #100DaysToOffload and it was a case of few musings and much coding.
Philosopher and historian. Doctoral candidate at Macquarie Business School researching Edmund Burke. Boosts/follows do not imply endorsement.