@Adam_Cadmon1 you'll see.
Yeah yeah, hushup & melt me an egg.
From: @carnage4life
#linakhan is bae.
Currently betting that a lot of authors and their agents are about to pick up subscriptions to @TheAtlantic
Searchable database of books found in Large Language Model datasets:
Excited to see so many folks join Mastodon this weekend now that #AoIR2023's official social media will be here on the platform.
AoIR will not be using Twitter/X during #AoIR2023. We will be posting here. Please see this announcement for additional information and details. https://aoir.org/aoir2023onmastodon/
Thanks for putting a bow on it, Clarence! #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow #SCOTUS #SupremeCorruption #JohnRoberts #SamAlito
Clarence Thomas’ Latest Pay-to-Play Scandal Finally Connects All the Dots https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/09/clarence-thomas-chevron-ethics-kochs.html?via=rss
Don"t miss this!! On Sept 27 at 10-11 am PDT /1-2 pm EDT Christoph Becker will discuss the role of computing in sustainability, and what has to change @ACM @sigcas - online & free. but registration is required. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sigcas-wip-insolvent-how-to-reorient-computing-for-just-sustainability-tickets-633954273297 #InsolventBook #sustainability #computing #JustSustanability
It's possible to fuse critical perspectives with work in computer science, showing new and fruitful directions for computing professionals and researchers to pursue.
New: Cassidy Hutchinson, the former Trump aide turned crucial Jan. 6 witness, says in a new book she was groped by Rudy Giuliani, who was “like a wolf closing in on its prey”, on the day of the attack on the Capitol — @martinpengelly with @guardian scoop https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/20/rudy-giuliani-grope-cassidy-hutchinson-claim-january-6-trump-aide
@actualham Free Bird! Freeeee Biirrrrrd!!
I went to my optometrist this morning. They don't require customers to mask anymore, but were happy to have all their staff wear masks, including receptionists.
After my appointment finished, I noticed that all the waiting patients had masks as well, which I originally thought was just good luck. However, the receptionist told me that every customer had entered without a mask, and within a few minutes they all either put on their own mask or asked for one from the receptionist, noticing that they were the odd one out.
This experience powerfully showed me that for many, the decision to mask or not is heavily influenced by peer pressure.
@kyonshi I can get that. Hopefully they’re not overemphasizing the details at the expense of the main point, which is that people making stuff owe the people waiting for the stuff transparency regularly and often, in return for which the people waiting for the stuff owe the people making it trust/faith for a little bit at a time.
@kyonshi curious, what seems like it’s not adding up?
💯agree. When will #uspol’s learn not to insult voters’ intelligence? Of course #biden is old. Of course there’s no good evidence he can’t run. Of course #kamalaharris would be a perfectly good president, especially compared to any likely alternative. Just say that! https://wapo.st/3t19Rgj
USA conference organizers: please do not plan conferences in trans-exclusionary states.
Here is the current list of USA trans-friendly states/regions:
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- D.C.
- Illinois
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- New Mexico
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Nevada
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Washington
- Wisconsin
Reasonably happy almost all the time, somehow. Extremely lucky father & husband; 20+ year software veteran / exec now studying the software industry as Ph.D @York University Science and Technology Studies. Blog at https://sakhavi.wordpress.com