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sda boosted

@dicktripover Also, here's a quote you might find useful:

You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harm it would cause if improperly administered. -- Lyndon B. Johnson, former President of the U.S.

A bit of perspective.

As of 2018 one-quarter of the world's population is thought to be infected with TB.[6] New infections occur in about 1% of the population each year.[12] In 2017, there were more than
of active TB which resulted in
This makes it the number one cause of death from an infectious disease.

Do we see TB splashed all over the teevee and interwebs every minute of every day? Do we see panic buying over TB? Do we see governments flexing their authoritarianism over TB?

If our reaction to TB is something along the lines of boredom, our response to COVID-19 (in a rational world) should be nothing short of jubilation.

Because secrecy is what's most needed right about now.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify deliberations at HHS - sources

Freedom of speech: Dead in Britain.

None of your business
Companies are increasingly worried about what their employees say

Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional
contagion through social networks

Scientific Problem Solving with Psychedelics - James Fadiman

No One Can Predict Future Climate, So Stop the Scaremongering

"... the point is if your chart cannot be distinguished from one generated by a random walk, then you have no reason to put any faith in the patterns you see in it."

The photographer was using the terminology he did to mean "without magnification"

This headline is better:

Picture of a Single Atom Wins Science Photo Contest


Testable theory suggests information has mass and could account for universe’s dark matter

Haven't seen Rob_G for a few days. Strange given his posting volume.

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