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Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted

Sometimes this reminder needs to be circulated. ACAB includes language/grammar police.

Ray Stevenson as Baylan Skoll in the yet to be released tv-series Ahsoka.
He didn't live to see the release. He passed away at only 58 yrs old.

Ruben boosted

Sad to hear about Ray Stevenson. An excellent lump of an actor.

Ruben boosted

Ik praat natuurlijk het liefst met jullie, maar als ik echt pissig word schrijf ik de krant

Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted

Even Russia is fighting against Russia now :thinktink:

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

Tim Scott running for President?
He really thinks he stands a chance?

Ruben boosted

Your calendar holds a record of your daily life. Securing it helps protect your privacy online and offline.

Share this guide with your friends and family to help them get started on protecting their schedule with #ProtonCalendar:

Ruben boosted

Sure, I put others before myself. Especially when a train is coming.

Ruben boosted

Hope everyone has a great day, except the people who only point out problems and never offer solutions. You suck.

Back & Posterior Delts

15, 10, 10 & 10 reps

Barbell Row:
1. 40kg x 15 reps
2. 50kg x 12 reps
3. 60kg x 10 reps
4. 70kg x 8 reps

Iso Lateral High Row:
1. 40kg x 20 reps
2. 60kg x 15 reps
3. 80kg x 12 reps
4. 100kg x 10 reps

Iso Lateral Low Row:
1. 50kg x 20 reps
2. 70kg x 15 reps
3. 90kg x 10 reps
4. 90kg x 8 reps

Lat Pulldown:
1. 42,5kg x 20 reps
2. 50kg x 15 reps
3. 60kg x 12 reps
4. 70kg x 8 reps

Dumbbell Pullover:
1. 25kg x 10 reps
2. 27,5kg x 10 reps
3. 30kg x 10 reps
4. 32,5kg x 8 reps

Reversed Dumbbell Flyes:
1. 7,5kg x 15k reps
2. 10kg x 10 reps
3. 12,5kg x 10 reps
4. 15kg x 10 reps

Reversed Peckdeck:
1. 25kg x 15 reps
2. 32kg x 15 reps
3. 40kg x 12 reps
4. 47kg x 8 reps

Ruben boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
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