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Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted

Fijn! Ik moet er om 04:00 uur uit en de buren houden een tuinfeestje. Ik hoop dat ik er doorheen kan slapen en dat ze het niet te laat maken.

Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted

Hey y'all, i know you know this, but while you definitely shouldn't use GPTs for legal research, also don't rely on GPTs for RESEARCH, PERIOD.

They are neither giving nor TRYING to give you intersubjectively associated and derived facts; they are not even remixing factual CONCEPTS into new forms.

They are modelling human biases out into digestible bullshit with a statistically-determined high probability of being swallowed.

That is all.

They don't have to be this way, but, at present, the people making them have no incentive to change them. So. Don't lean on them for fact stuff. It's not what they do.

Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted
Ruben boosted

Not everything we see online is true.

Before hitting the share button, practice a thorough check. These crucial questions will guide you:

✔️ WHO is behind it?
✔️ WHAT is the source?
✔️ WHERE did it come from?
✔️ WHY are you sharing it?
✔️ WHEN was it published?

Together, we will triumph over #misinformation, one click at a time.

#FactsMatter #EUvsDisinfo #PledgetoPause

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