My biggest pet peeve of using #jupyternotebook (coming from #rstats / #rstudio ) is that you can't see all the dataframes that you have either loaded or have wrangled and created in this session.
It is a big positive of using RStudio. You can quickly take a glance or scroll through if needed.
Is there a way to do this in Jupyter Notebook?
@shibaprasad not sure if there is a solution for Jupyter Notebook, but Spyder (my preferred Python IDE) has a good variable explorer:
@gmschroe Thanks! This looks promising.
@shibaprasad will
Give the list of objects in a #jupyternotebook #RStats session?
But yes, having a dedicated place to see them is definitely a plus of an actual IDE.
@shibaprasad did you try this? Also I recommend PyCharm by @jetbrains which also has a free community edition!
@shibaprasad I'm not sure if this is a native feature of Jupyter but in VS code there is the variables view (at least when using Python).
@joshpersi Wow great. Yes, was looking for something like this. Thanks.
Come to think of it, this might be exclusive to RStudio only? Though I must say, it is a great feature.