@lauren Well, actually, people are stupid. I know, I know, it's surprising and disappointing if you were raised around educated people who valued knowledge.
If you don't believe it, spend some time in rural areas, or here in West Virginia, or Kentucky, and discover how stupid untrained, undisciplined, uneducated feral humans really are. Even the ones who are considered smart around here are stupid.
@karlauerbach @lauren Yes, I miss the first 40 years of my life when I was fortunate to grow up around and work with people smarter than I.
The one person I consider a close friend here isn't highly educated but clearly has very high intelligence. I enjoy that she thinks even faster than I, always jumps to the right conclusion, is usually a step or two ahead of me. It's like a breath of fresh air and renews my hope for humanity. But that's one person I've met in a decade here.