@tusk81 I've long said that it should be highly illegal to use the term "police" unless you actually ARE police.
People trust the police (hard to believe but true). So agencies like ICE, FBI, and ATF have learned to put POLICE in big letters on their outfits.
It's a lie and needs to be prosecuted with jail time.
It's already highly illegal in most places. Impersonating police will land you in jail, if the actual cops decide to prosecute it. Of course just because something is illegal doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.
In this case, it seems that the actual cops are letting them get away with it, either because they think what ICE are doing is good, or because they want to avoid the bureaucratic clashes that'll come from arresting government functionaries.
Cops let Kyle Rittenhouse do his shooting. Cops let cop gangs continue to operate. This seems pretty in-line with cop behaviour, to be honest.
@shuttersparks @tusk81 you make a good point, however, they're all cops to me.
@shuttersparks @tusk81 In the Netherlands there is no difference between the equivalent of ATF, Federal or Immigration Police. They are all departments of the police, with the exception of the Border Patrol, who are military police part of the army
They are just all cops and should be treated as cops, and you know what they say about cops