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Trump threatens to prosecute Bidens if he’s re-elected unless he gets immunity

Donald Trump has threatened that Joe Biden and his family could face multiple criminal prosecutions once he leaves office
unless the US supreme court awards Trump immunity in his own legal battles with the criminal justice system.

In a sweeping interview with Time magazine, Trump painted a startling picture of his second term, from how he would wield the justice department to hinting he may let states monitor pregnant women to enforce abortion laws.
Trump’s hush-money trial enters third week: Here’s what’s happened so far

Trump made the threat against the Biden family in an interview with Eric Cortellessa of Time, in which he shared the outlines of what the magazine called “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world”.

... And it's back. #Hubble resumed science operations yesterday.

It's using all three gyroscopes, all of the instruments are online, and it's taking science observations. Huzzah!

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@serra Yup. Followed her for years. Then "click", gone.

This is our future too if we're not diligent about keeping fascists in check


Republican megadonors are doing all they can to take power permanently in hopes of never being held to account.

They fund the GOP to build a coalition with Putin to end American democracy.

Elon Musk
Larry Ellison
Charles Koch
Jeffrey Yass
Diane Hendricks

The connections, finances, & contacts of these billionaires with Russia need examination as much as Trump, Tucker Carlson, #MadMarjorie, Mike Johnson, Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz, and #MoscowMitch

@tusk81 As far as Miller is concerned, all I'll say is self-hatred often manifests like this.

F*ck @thehill and every anti Biden bullshit story they concoct.
I'm f*cking done with them.

@schuga @Naich @therightarticle Good to hear. This must be challenging. I'm sure the oil cartels will fight.

@Naich @therightarticle Won't happen. They own the legislators that write the checks, so to speak. Big oil also has treaties with most countries preventing them from doing anything that interferes with their business lest they encounter penalties greater than the net worth of their country. They've had these treaties for a hundred years.

@HopelessDemigod My antennas are always physically disconnected unless I'm using the radio. BNC connectors are great for this. Coax(s) get disconnected where the feed enters the building and the loose cable tossed across the room for plenty of air-gap.

@radicalcommunalcare Makes sense. They want you to tune into the news again as soon as possible so they can show you more ads or buy the next issue of the newspaper. Resolution doesn't foster repeat business.

Yesterday's thread, for those who don't want to wrestle with Mastodon search:

There is no birth rate crisis.

There are only a bunch of manufactured crises, because we don't want to fix immigration, and we don't want to treat women fairly, and we don't want to confront racism.

We could end every single problem related to the so called birth rate crisis, within a month! But we won't. 🤷🏿‍♂️

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@Nigel_Purchase @Npars01 @carnage4life Me, I switched to DuckDuck in 2018 and am very happy with it. Linux. Firefox browser with tracker blockers. Proton for email. Signal for texting. Zoho for online spreadsheets and such. (I've used Zoho since before there was a Google Docs.) For cloud storage for my family and me, I use a leased server in Germany where I also host blogs and web sites.

@spmatich @gilduran @newrepublic

Fascist movements are extractive by their very nature. It's a system designed to steal the assets of the many and place them in the hands of the favored few.

Fascism doesn't grow economies, improve the quality of human life, or innovate.

It destroys its host organism while it parasitizes.

There are no examples where a fascist government didn't loot the national treasury & worsen living conditions.

@HopelessDemigod Good question. I've tried various brands and narrowed it down to two that I'm okay with: Gold Toe and Dickies. Gold Toe seems a bit more comfortable but wear out quicker. Dickies last longer in my experience. I switch back and forth between the two.

"Bird flu virus has been spreading in US cows for months, RNA reveals
Genomic analysis suggests that the outbreak probably began in December or January, but a shortage of data is hampering efforts to pin down the source."

@NF6X Very cool. My background is a bit different so I'd like to have an IBM 3330 disk pack sitting around to show and tell.

@soc_i_ety @StillIRise1963 Coming back to this thread a day later, yes, exactly. And it's no accident.

The open flaunting of laws by Republicans, the uncivilized behavior, the push on hundreds of fronts to hobble and disable democracy leave liberals agape, so astonished by the barbaric behavior they're stunned into inaction. This is Mussolini's method for taking down a democracy. Question its legitimacy, deny its legitimacy, question its effectiveness, move fast and break everything possible so the government appears to the people to be as ineffective and screwed up as possible. And the people will vote for Fascism. This is Mussolini's method. Hitler copied it and also succeeded. Now, we're watching it play out again in red states and in Washington.

Life's too short to wear cheap (low-quality) socks.

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