JD Vance admits lies and the mainstream media just goes along for the ride.
“Remarkable confession by JD Vance when he said he will ‘create stories’ (that is, lie) to redirect the media...
All this to change the subject away from abortion rights, manufacturing jobs, taxation of the rich, and the other things clearly at stake in this election.”
#Springfield #JDVance #Trump #Lies #Project2025
When I put my cynic hat on, I can't help but wonder if factions with the GOP itself are trying to rid the party of this millstone named Trump. I'm sure there are plenty of Republicans who feel that Kamala is going to crush Trump and turn a lot of seats blue. Obviously, they don't want that. There's only one desperate solution if they're going to have any chance at all.
@kevin Hmm. Thanks for the info. I guess there's no consistency between automakers.
@originlbookgirl@mastodon.online @lovelylovely Exactly. But we can't put 100% of the blame on Republicans. Clinton signed the bills that got rid of the guardrails, and also (not to change the subject) the Glass-Steagall Act. I would like to think it was naivete, but I don't know one way or the other.
It wouldn't be the first time that a president was manipulated by his advisors. It happened to Eisenhower, too.
@lovelylovely Lmao. The facts are kind of harsh. Trump rallies are poorly attended with just a small fraction of seats in the venue filled. Kamala's rallies fill the venue with 15,000 more outside wishing they could get in.
Of course, the news media don't cover this little difference.
The bias in U.S. media is grotesque and should prompt future administrations to restore the rules that governed the media that we had back when I was young.
@randahl This is indeed very interesting. TBH, when I read your post and quote I was very surprised to see Erdogan's name. This doesn't bode well for Russia, either, and I'm glad.
Turkey is not only a formidable military power itself but is also a U.S. base. Some have joked that, for the U.S., Turkey is two aircraft carriers battle groups with a fixed location.
So yesterday, I was standing on this footpath, and a group of tourists came up to me and asked, "Should we go left or right?"
"That's easy", I replied, "To the right, the forest is on fire, there is poisonous smoke everywhere, and a Vulcano has erupted. But down the left path, there is a peaceful meadow where the birds are singing."
"Thank you for letting us know all this", they replied, "but we are still undecided."
And that was when I realized, they were a group of American voters.
"Erika Lee, a woman from Springfield, Ohio, who initially made a Facebook post alleging that local Haitian immigrants were 'eating pets,' leading to significant national attention on the small city, has confessed she had no direct evidence supporting such a claim."
~ Gabe Whisnant
#Trump #JDVance #Springfield #Ohio #Haitians #NeoNazi #hate #violence #xenophobia
@kevin Hmm. On my car, if the battery is dead, nothing works EXCEPT the trunk which can always be opened with the key (mechanical lock).
@cdarwin Indeed, I've lived in WV coal mine country for 18 years now. I pulled the mine maps and studied them after wondering why my house shook when a heavy truck drove by. I've been to Monongah and examined it, studied the aftermath. One of my best friends was a member of one of the wealthy families that owned the mines in Southern WV 100 years ago. I made friends with two present day underground miners that still practice the room and pillar method, and learned a lot from them. (I'm not a mining engineer but I am an engineer.)
All very interesting history and engineering. I learned a lot of things that surprised me.
Basically, there are two ways of mining coal. You can do it underground, which is dangerous and has some long term effects. Or you can strip mine, which is less dangerous but destroys the landscape.
The solution is to stop mining coal to produce energy. Using coal to produce steel is okay. It's the most efficient way to produce steel and only consumes a tiny fraction of the coal mined today.
We have to stop burning things to make heat and electricity.
@TruthSandwich @GrimmReality Ah, yes, well, there is that. But I imagine that Travis is a gentleman and would stop short of doing permanent harm.
On the other hand, things happen. I had a friend long ago, who was sentenced to 7 to life in California. He was a very strong guy, grew up on a farm, body like iron. Got into a fight with a guy who was harrassing his wife. With one punch to the forehead he killed the guy. Accidents happen.
"Don't be messin' with people strange to you..." --Croce
@TruthSandwich @GrimmReality Yes, briefly. Not briefly for Musk, though. These encounters make a lasting impression, giving one a couple of weeks to consider one's error and hopefully learn something.
@thehomespundays @ai6yr Indeed. I'm fortunate to be able to walk to work. A couple of times I've set out at the same time that another person left from the same location driving. Both times we walked up to the entrance at the same time. 😆
So sick of these so-called "undecided voters" with their "oh, I don't know enough about her."
1. You know she didn't RAPE anyone.
2. You know she wasn't convicted of thirty-four felonies.
3. You know she hasn't been indicted on eighty-eight felony charges.
4. You know she doesn't want to be a dictator on day one.
5. You know she didn't incite an insurrection.
@GottaLaff He says what the base believes and wants to hear.
@therobburgessshow Listening by today's standards, yes. But it was the style back then to have violins and cellos sawing away. Lol.
🇬🇧New EU #ChatControl proposal leaked +++ Governments to position themselves by 23 September, will be very tight... +++ Will messenger services be blocked in Europe? https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/new-eu-push-for-chat-control-will-messenger-services-be-blocked-in-europe/
Help pressure your government now to defend privacy and secure encryption: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
@GrimmReality Hah. Hadn't even thought of that. Yes, that would be most entertaining.
On the off-chance you missed it, The richest man in the world, a dull-eyed cloistered neo-Nazi who believes in natalism and that he, as an elect denizen of the master races, has a duty to "breed" as much as possible, a man who purchased a social medium specifically to gatekeep public conversation, to support political candidates that specifically worked for a violent fascist overthrow of the United States, and to reinstate, validate and amplify the voices of fellow neo-Nazis previously banned from the medium for telling Jews randomly and routinely to "get in the oven," who aped, shared and blessed white supremacist "great replacement" theory that specifically prescribes ethnic cleansing as a means of sanitizing sacred "Western culture," and who fanned those voices, including that of a multicount-indicted slaver and sex trafficker and zealous advocate of the subjugation of women, to spark a wave of neo-Nazi riots across England wherein frothing white men tried to burn people in their sleep - that man publicly told Taylor Swift last night, via tweet, that he would deign to rape and impregnate her as some kind of dithering attempt to deter her from her endorsement of a non-fascist presidential candidate.
I share this because any fucking time these preening powerful reactionary "Alpha" white men tell you they are not weird-ass psychos, there is not an iota of evidence supporting their case.
So. Cal. engineer (hardware/software since 1968, retired, he/him), born at 313 ppm, musician, chef, now living in West Virginia. KW2P ham radio (the original social network), father of three, grandfather, astronomy, solar dynamics, photography, writing, birding, birdwatching, eBird, fountain pens, cats and dog, reader of banned books, scary fast Python jockey, Chairman of the Charcuterie Board, Whisk Manager, Compuserve refugee, founder of The Church of The Unwarranted Assumption. Crypto is short for cryptography. Blog: shuttersparks.net
"To hold a pen is to be at war." --Voltaire
"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous amount of fumes and everything." --Donald Trump