Visualiser en 3D le crâne de l'homme de Spy ? C'est désormais à la portée du grand public en un clic grâce à notre collaboration entre l'UCLouvain et les Musées et Établissements Scientifiques Fédéraux.
Notre collaboration explore l'applicabilité d'Orthanc comme serveur multimédia pour le partage des numérisations des collections anthropologiques grâce au standard d'interopérabilité DICOM.
Ce travail vient d'être présenté au 35e édition du Colloque du Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française (GALF 2024).
Version 2.1 of the whole-slide imaging plugin for Orthanc has just been released!
This new release brings a huge number of improvements, including better support for the Leica (.scn), Mirax (.mrxs), and Hamamatsu (.ndpi) formats, as well as for sparse tiling.
In addition, the "--padding" option of the OrthancWSIDicomizer command-line tool offers an easy way to pad JPEG, PNG, and plain TIFF images with a border to make their size compatible with deep zoom over the IIIF protocol.
➡️ Release notes:
Introducing our latest plugin for Orthanc! Now you can encapsulate #STL files into #DICOM instances seamlessly, then display them using any Web viewer. STL files can also be automatically generated from DICOM structure sets (RT-STRUCT).
GNU Health and Orthanc joining at the same #FOSDEM stand! #FreeSoftware #SocialMedicine #MedicalImaging
I am extremely honored to share that today, I received the GNU Health Social Medicine award for outstanding individual during the GNU Health conference 2023.
It's an award that gives deep meaning to the work I've been doing for over ten years, from a community whose aim is to promote public health and social medicine.
I'm especially grateful to @meanmicio, who is one of those few people who know how to unite people around a goal for the common good. Luis is one of the most inspiring people in my life. Thank you for everything you've taught me!
"Free software is not only about technology, it's about writing code with heart."
Time for the last technical talk of the conference, with Diego Victor de Jesus explaining how Orthanc router containers could help to scale and organize applications for medical imaging #GHCon2023 #OrthancCon2023
Gabriel Couture is now introducing PyOrthanc as a Python wrapper around the REST API of Orthanc, whose implementation was bootstrapped from the OpenAPI documentation provided by the Orthanc project at #GHCon2023 #OrthancCon2023
It's now up to the Orthanc Team to talk about the deployment of Orthanc as a secured cloud-based PACS #GHCon2023 #OrthancCon2023
Thanks so much to the Computational Health Informatics team of Leibniz Universität Hannover, and especially to Gerald Wiese, for hosting #OrthancCon2023 and #GHCon2023 in Hanover!
Another wonderful by Yannick Lemaréchal regarding PARADIM, a digital infrastructure to support research in medical imaging that is developed at IUCPQ-Université Laval #GHCon2023 #OrthancCon2023
Paul from @Kitware is giving a very impressive talk about VolView, an extremely important free and open-source 3D viewer for medical imaging #OrthancCon2023 #GHCon2023
Salim Kanoun is now presenting an update about the GaelO project, which uses Orthanc as a DICOM backend for clinical studies (with the "O" in "GaelO" standing for "Orthanc") #GHCon2023 #OrthancCon2023
Wonderful talk by Walco van Loon about Orthanc Server Extensions, which can be used to ease the setup of AI workflows for medical imaging #GHCon2023 #OrthancCon2023
The joint conference #GHCon2023 and #OrthancCon2023 is about to start!
#FreeSoftware #SocialMedicine #MedicalImaging
Only three days to go until the Orthanc Conference 2023!
Check out the program that is packed with very interesting talks:
Feel free to come and meet us in Hanover (Germany)! Registrations are still open :-)
Today we are proud to announce that Digital Public Goods Alliance has recognized Orthanc as a digital public good!
This underscores our commitment to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 9 (health, innovation, infrastructure). This also affirms our mission to freely share the technical knowledge about medical imaging at large. #DICOM #SDG #UCLouvain
Press release (in French):
#OTD Exactly eleven years ago, after six months of research in the Department of medical physics at
the University Hospital of Liège, I publicly released the first version of Orthanc (that was known as Palantir at that time). #FreeSoftware #DICOM
Assistant Professor at #UCLouvain. Author of #Orthanc for #DICOM. #MedicalImaging. #HealthInformatics. Free, libre and open-source software. Leave this world a little better than you found it. 🇧🇪