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Japan’s push to make all research open access is taking shape

Japan will start allocating the ¥10 billion it promised to spend on institutional repositories to make the nation’s science free to read. #openaccess #research #science

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All of the jurors have individually confirmed their #guilty verdicts.

#Trump now looking at the jury as each juror is polled to confirm their decision of guilty on all counts.

Trump is unresponsive, sitting slack at the defense table.

He is largely expressionless, a glum look on his face, as “guilty” has just been heard 34 times.

#law #TrumpTrial

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Donald #Trump has been #convicted of falsifying business records in the first criminal #trial of a former president

The 12 jurors have been deliberating for two days

The court heard from 22 witnesses over six weeks, including Stormy Daniels, whose alleged sexual encounter with Trump is at the centre of this case

Trump is accused of concealing a payment made by his former lawyer to buy the ex-adult film star’s silence shortly before the 2016 election


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I’m just gonna say it — this “Genocide Joe” thing is the dumbest fucking liberal shit I have seen in years.

Joe Biden can do more to *try* to rein in Israel, but Biden doesn’t run Israel. He isn’t CIC for IDF. He isn’t deciding what hospital to bomb. He isn’t deciding what border crossings to close.

You know who is pushing the Genocide Joe narrative? The fucking Russians and the Israelis. Why is that? Well, it’s an election year, and Trump is a hard right, pro-Israel puppet.

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Anyone claiming the "tragedy of the commons" isn't a real issue has never see a picture of the Pacific or Atlantic gyre

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65/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: “Describe if you would how—where you first encountered Mr. Trump inside the hotel suite” DANIELS: “I said hello”
met Trump right there and I said hello and he wanted to go into the living area, 👀👉🏼he was wearing silk or satin pajamas,
HOFFINGER: what was he wearing? DANIELS: Silk or satin pajamas, I made fun of him, said “does Hugh Hefner know you stole his pajamas?” I told him to go change, so he obliged, “very politely”

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9/ And before Trump went into the court room… via Ron Filipkowski:

After doing ZERO campaign events during the last SIX off days during the trial while holed up at his country clubs playing golf, Trump whines that the case prevents him from campaigning.

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Expanded #RightToRepair protections could bring a flood of new local small-business jobs while reducing waste, Repair Association leader Gay Gordon-Byrne tells EFF’s Cindy Cohn and Jason Kelley on the latest episode of “How to Fix the Internet.”

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A story about my mom and Trump.

My mom was an executive assistant for two Jewish brothers who ran a construction company in the '80s. They were in competition with Trump on some real estate deal and lost out to him. For some reason they had to make a pilgrimage to Trump Tower to go on bended knee. When one of the brothers introduced mom, Trump his usual graceful manner said, “Which one of these two Jews did you have fuck to get your job?”.

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17/ Lisa Rubin:

Trump lawyer Emil Bove is a more skilled cross examiner than Trump has had in any of the three prior trials I've witnessed. But he just miscalculated badly.

Team Trump wants to establish that the McDougal agreement had value beyond suppressing her story. So Bove pressed Pecker to admit she was a celebrity or a brand in her own right

DA's next witness is former Trump executive assistant (and incidental Apprentice star) Rhona Graff.

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15/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Bove: You know a private attorney can hold fundraisers for candidates without being part of the campaign?
Pecker: Yes.
Bove: Karen McDougal was a legitimate celebrity at the time?
Pecker (silent, then) No.
Bove: She was on the cover
Pecker: in 1999

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We are living through the war which will define the rest of our lives. It is right now, we choose between freedom or darkness.

And while our Ukrainian heroes are fighting in the trenches, this is what the aid to Ukraine looks like: The US is not even contributing half as much as the European allies.

Is the statue of liberty still standing proud, raising her torch as a symbol of freedom? Or has America become so MAGA, that the torch has been replaced with a white flag?

Wake up America!

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Always reassuring when you call your bank and they tell you that technically they’re two banks that share a name and a customer service line but for legal reasons they’re totally two banks with the same name, owned by the same people, that share a phone number

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While Putin has not been successful in conquering Ukraine, he’s clearly had more luck capturing the Republican Party. The alignment between Trump’s GOP and Putin’s Russia becomes clearer with every passing day.
It's an existential threat to the USA.

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Hm! I appear to be finished. I'll fiddle with the introductory and conclusory paragraphs for a bit, and then start sending them off for editing.

Publication late this summer?

#NorwegianFolktales #NorwegianLegends #folklore @norwegianfolktales @folklore

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Google Scholar search: "certainly, here is" -chatgpt -llm (via) Searching Google Scholar for “certainly, here is” turns up a huge number of academic papers that include parts that were evidently written by ChatGPT—sections that start with “Certainly, here is a concise summary of the provided sections:” are a dead giveaway.


#academicchatter #chatgpt #PeerReview #histodons #veilleESR

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Must the instructor *always* control what students learn abd how they learn it?

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