I'm noticing a lot of people coming from Twitter.. and so many are hating on Twitter. I'm not from there, so could someone kindly tell me if I missed something?
@serbestderdest I thought Twitter moderators were doing stuff like that before he bought it? So the difference is different people filtering for different reasons? Thanks for the quick response by the way. 👍
@skanman for me it is not about filtering or so. I had blocked him on Twitter quite a bit ago, however; I still see the screenshots of his tweets that shared by the other users. The last one was about their loss of revenue, and he blamed the activist groups for the loss because they were pressuring advertisers. Otherwise I completely support the freedom-of-speech regardless their view. Otherwise it will be hard to differentiate who is an idiot and who is not. You know, we all look like we are same while we stay silent.
@skanman Twitter is now run by a sociopath. A quick example: he removed his ex's twitter account.