
I think Snowden has always been a Russian asset, but he is sometimes correct.

@amerika upon what basis? taleb just asserts it as if fact, although I admit it's a reasonable suspicion to have


Based on his profile. Instead of escalating up the chain of command, he engineered as destructive a leak as he could. This is a public optics move.

@amerika isn't it precisely a public optics move that's required

@skells @amerika I'm glad Snowden decided to blow the whistle instead of complaining to his manager. I think the government is way out of line with the spying on it's own people. Snowden and Assange deserve full pardons and a parade imo. Whistle blowers should be treated as heroes when they expose government/corporate corruption or illegal activity not treated like terrorists.

@quasifly @skells

I am glad we know, although nothing came of it precisely because of his method.

You do not simply complain to your manager.

You find the people who are accountable up the chain and write to all of them.

They will fire you, and then whistleblower protection laws kick in.

@skells @amerika @quasifly

> Excuse me, sir, this is the NSA, not a Wendy's.

@7 @quasifly @amerika

> I shouldn't be exposed to mean tweets

sir, this is a gulag

@skells @quasifly @amerika I don’t think I could imagine being entitled to ignorance in that way.

@7 @quasifly @amerika @p @thatguyoverthere @sim @11112011 @furgar @Prodigal this goes deeper than, like, you know... there has been changes in the... like, context

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