我研究了一下小林制药的清凉喷雾。 显然它的预期用途是在穿上衣服之前用,而不是穿着衣服的时候用含酒精溶液喷自己(听起来不是很安全)
经过一番尝试,我认为4.8克L-薄荷醇(左旋六氢百里香酚)溶解在60毫升95%乙醇中,然后用40毫升水稀释是可以一种接受的配方。 我感觉和小林的没什么区别。如果你觉得不够蒙,那就下下猛药多来点薄荷醇。如果想要在衣物或布料上附魔(coating),那我觉得可以尽可能的少用酒精,只要保证薄荷醇不析出、不产生油状液滴就行。比如在夏季使用的毛巾被上喷涂这种溶液,晾干后薄荷醇会留在被子上,这样出汗的时候就会感觉到凉爽了。
如果打算直接在皮肤上使用,我觉得可以减少薄荷醇的用量并提高乙醇浓度。 太多的薄荷醇会带来烧灼感,而乙醇的蒸发实际上会让你的皮肤凉爽。
However, I do want to mention that you should not solely rely on this spray to cool your body. Only the alcohol is cooling your body physically. The menthol is tricking your skin to think it's cold, but actually not.
I don't know if this will trick your brain to stop sweating and eventually lead to a heat stroke. So please use with care.
I always keep a fan blowing air to me when using this spray. To ensure I won't overheat.
Fun fact: Since all my ingredients are food grade, and I saw some paper said you can apply menthol internally, I did try drink some of the product. There are around 10mL of spray and I pour it into 300mL of drinking water, and taste a bite.
HOLY SH*T it taste really bad my mouth feels burning and it's not pleasure to drink.
Also, I don't feel too much internal cooling. I do feel some, but it's not strong. I would say just drink some ice cold water. Do not drink this.
I digged further into this spray. Apparently its intended usage is use it on clothes before you put it on. Not using it while wearing the clothes (now you're spreading alcohol on your body, not very safe)
After some try and error, I think 4.8 g L-Menthol disolved into 60mL of 95% ethanol, then diluted with 40mL of water is a acceptabled recipe. I feel no different with the original one. You may use 5g L-Menthol if you think it's not strong enough. For coating the cloth with menthol (so you can feel cool when you start sweating), I think you can use less ethanol as long as the menthol don't precipitate out.
If you intent to use directly on your skin, you may lower the amout of menthol and add a bit more ethanol. Too much menthol feels like buring (your skin think it's too cold), and the evaprate of ethanol will actually cool your skin.
Questions about Menthol:
Recently I was trying to recreate the "Shirt Cool" spray from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. The main chemical is menthol dissolve in alcohol.
I'm wondering, if someone in a hot area using this spray to trick the skin to feel cold, will this mislead the brain and lead to a heat stroke?
Also, Samsung keyboard is sh*t. I press ESC, the IME disappered, but why it still cache the input? I expect to remove what I typed when pressing ESC, not dismiss the IME and use it later.
And some apps are not working under DEX mode. For example, the bloodly hell WeChat. It kicks me out everytime I open it in DEX. And then ask bio identification to relogin (the face identification thing)
I almost think it's my deskop experience if the browser can work properly by a) have my plugins installed, b) stop launching apps when I open the website. I opened google translator and expect the usual website, but it actually launched the google translator app, which constantly remind I'm using andorid, instead of a PC
Samsung dex really amazed me.
If I don't write code and do not need special things (like working with LaTeX or something), in most cast, you can live with a android device. I though android phones are just phones, cannot replace a PC. but now I finnally understand why people don't need a laptop/PC anymore.
But I still miss my spell check plugin (This post is written without any tech assist, hope you can still read what I typed, because I think I made a lot of typo and grammar mistakes).
@henghenghengAAAAA 这样啊,那没事了(
@sauricat@m.cmx.im 我一直有在看果壳病人那个公众号,其中有不少介绍罕见病的文章。我看到那些患者和家属被迫接纳那些科学无法治愈,不会立即致命,但又足以让一个人和他们的家庭变得十分不幸的病症。今天晚上看到一篇讲PKU的,是关于一个女孩因为基因缺陷无法代谢苯丙氨酸,一旦摄入过多就会对身体和大脑产生毒性,即便没死,也会变傻。
有些病可以被治好,可以被人从自己的生命中驱逐出去,但是有些病不会。这令我想到「it is what it is」,我在医学方面没有受过任何专业训练,因此我也不应该对疾病做出任何不负责的评论。但是从别的现象来看,比如国内很多家长信奉的「扭转机构」,家长认为孩子的一些特质(trait)在他们看来是一种病,需要通过某种方法将这种病从他们的人格种驱逐出去。从结果来看,这对于孩子的人格来说通常都是毁灭性的打击。
我曾经想过「与自己和解」这类说法,大约就是接受自己好的与坏的部分。经过那一段思考,我已经接纳了「我好的部分是我,我坏的部分也是我,他们独一无二地构成了我,我也因为这些好的和坏的特质而在这个世界中变得无可替代」这样的观点。但现在看来我可能有些和解过头了,现在我常常说「我不要脸,我就是烂,我就这样,你想把我怎么样,要不你弄死我」这样的话(总觉得这样还是不太好🤔 )
@henghenghengAAAAA 这么神奇?我最近两周高强度写代码,胖了3公斤
去年年末我们学界车祸离世的大佬是我朋友的硕士导师,朋友出差这两天来我这,昨天一起吃饭时说到这个事,她现在特别煎熬。换导师后一切一切都不顺利,都不知道什么时候才能毕业了。然后说到大佬去世的细节,我听完气得浑身发抖。就是去年突然放开大家都阳了的那段时间,他们学院所有人都阳了,只有大佬虽然阳了但勉强还能工作,就带上另两个阳了但症状不严重的助理一起出诊了。回来的路上三个人都很不舒服,就商量着换着开车,结果一个不留神错过了一个服务区,这个助理就不得不继续开,终于没顶住打了瞌睡,蹭到了告诉中间的隔离带,瞬间惊醒打了一下方向盘,被后车狠狠撞了一下。副驾的老师当时还捧着笔记本电脑加班工作,这一撞之重电脑都变形了,直接怼在了他肚子上。当时停下来,人还没有大问题,加了救护车,结果第一辆救护车来了又走了,说这个告诉路段不归他们管,第二辆车来了,说他阳了他们不敢接。最后好说歹说先拉去了医院,结果从入院开始拉扯,先说急诊不能让他待着怕感染其他患者,转去住院部,那边开始一遍一遍消毒,从凌晨三点车祸到住进病房(期间还在慢慢悠悠地让他换上病号服等等),六点多的时候老师非常清楚自己的状态,期间他已经电话给学校普外科知名专家/他的好友沟通,对方让他就留在本地医院尽快进手术室,输血,他马上开车赶去当地医院。以老师的身份、社会地位、他在学术界的价值,他够得上一架急救直升机,他不想麻烦别人就没开这个口。结果在这种时候他向接诊医生提出自己马上要休克了, 需要立刻输血,这个垃圾医生揶揄他,我看你好得很。就这样,2023年了,我们法医学界最珍贵的老师因为脾破裂救治延误离世了。我恨。老师是心源性猝死领域的先锋、带头人、最优秀的专家,他是唯一一个面对最难的心源性猝死课题用于直面难题的人,而不是沽名钓誉地去研究一些“好发文章”的热门。他的离世至少让中国法医病理学倒退十年。我现在只想,告死那家医院,直接关门去死吧你们。
By accident, I did look at the definition of the word "terrific", but I got confused.
It's an adjective, normally got two usage/ meanings:
1) extraordinarily great or intense (extremely good)
2) causing terror
So how on earth a word can have both meanings to represent a good thing and a bad thing? If I say "I had a terrific holiday", does it mean a wonderful holiday or a terrifying holiday?
What a terrific word. 😂
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond