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I2P 2.5.2 has been released. It includes fixing a bug introduced in 2.5.0 causing truncation of some HTTP content, also an update rrd4j to 3.9.1-preview in the console, and a bug fix for tunnel selection of peers with expired RIs:

OMG it's working!!!

ONNX runtime for java with kotlin.
Using FFmpeg to read videos.

OpenCV can give boxes when using CPU, but somehow the boxes are all zero if running on CUDA.

The ORT is much better than OpenCV. I love onnx :)

更新了一下 AUP ,强调了我们对用户数据的看法,真心祝福每一个骗取用户信任、盗取用户数据来盈利的垃圾平台早日和它们英年早逝的良心合葬在一起。

4. 我们仅被您授予有条件限制的存储与分发权;不被授予且拒绝接受任何使用您的信息进行盈利的行为:包括但不仅限于某些无良平台盗用用户数据进行商业化机器学习模型训练、将用户数据泄露给非必要的第三方机构等等。

数据安全是平台信任的基础,如果数据安全无法被保证,那么平台信任更无从谈起。确实从 Fediverse 的开放性设计上来讲,这种数据保护也不过是一厢情愿的自娱自乐,要作恶的随便起一个实例就能自动获得涌入的数据;但我们的态度是至少从我们能做的细微之处做起,用心呵护好每一位用户愿意托付给我们的信任,虽远远称不上是理想国,但至少也要是一方能稍微脱离一会现实污浊桎梏的净土。

@henghenghengAAAAA 您开一个专门做杯子的工厂,把杯子的材质改成可以吃的,以后客人喝完咖啡就可以当街把杯子和吸管都吃了(bushi

What? It's 2024 and my browser can't hold 55 tabs?

Everytime I switch back to the browser window I can feel there is a 3 to 5 seconds of freezing before I can click on the webpage. But my swap is empty and ram is sufficient, I don't see why it freezes.

@hu3rror 感觉一般这种人说起来就是,你不能跟我提你的立场,但是你必须得让我提我的立场,而且我的立场一定比你的正确,你的立场就是错的(

Don't know why but yolov8 gives me 0 bounding box with opencv dnn.

Wondering why opencv keeps complaining about layer[0] has empty output.

Waste 30 minutes on it and find out I forgot to set the input.

I2P 2.5.2 now available for in-net updates only. Other packaging to follow. Launchpad build queue is very backlogged.

Never mind, it's a bug that the app I'm using will lost some key frame when streaming out video...

Is this caused by solar activity? Or just my phone about to die? I use my old phone as a monitoring camera to see if there are birds coming. It's o...



Is this caused by solar activity? Or just my phone about to die?

I use my old phone as a monitoring camera to see if there are birds coming. It's outdoor from 9AM to 6PM, for the past 3 days.

I want to sleep earlier. But there are too many interesting things waiting for me to explore in the night.

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