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Amount the recent watched anime, the 宇宙よりも遠い場所 is the best. The listed bangumi were watched several years ago, might be 8 years. Most of the details are tarnished, but the impression is still there.

I just can't believe I waited for 8 years and that's all I got. Someone said the third season is a torment for both the producer and the audience. Now it's finished. I don't feel any happiness, nor the energy that makes me feel better when facing the god damn life. Now it's just over. Nothing. Not even relieved.

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Amount the recent watched anime, the 宇宙よりも遠い場所 is the best. The listed bangumi were watched several years ago, might be 8 years. Most of the details are tarnished, but the impression is still there.

I just can't believe I waited for 8 years and that's all I got. Someone said the third season is a torment for both the producer and the audience. Now it's finished. I don't feel any happiness, nor the energy that makes me feel better when facing the god damn life. Now it's just over. Nothing. Not even relieved.

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Despite I'm not happy about the third season of 響け!ユーフォニアム3, I decide to give 花田十輝 another chance. From what I discussed with my friends, he is only the head writer, and he was a good writer, as long as there were good directors to guide him. I also can't believe he did a such terroble adoptation. シュタインズ・ゲート, 日常, 中二病でも恋がしたい!, 境界の彼方, and 宇宙よりも遠い場所, those are pretty good, and I like them. So the next bangumi I'm gonna watch is やがて君になる. I hope it can prove 花田十輝 is not the one who should take all the blame.

Now I'm actually thinking the director 石原立也 should also take the blame, since he is the director.

Also, I still miss 山田尚子. Maybe I should watch K-ON.

Apparently, donations and external help cannot heal the wound left by that fire. Kyoto Anime is one of my favourite studios, but I'm afraid now they might start going down hill.

京吹第三季这动画做的什么东西啊 怎么会有人喜欢这种东西啊 这尼玛12集和13集是他妈人脑子能写出来的?


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其他咖啡店:如库迪幸运咖等就是奶茶店定位,店员素质低工资低福利差也压榨员工,高档的m stand peets能做到消费者素质高也不太压榨员工(因为喝的人少)。


Someone: Rolling update will provide more smaller step updates, so it's less likely breaking your setup by upgrading.


#PSA请更新 OpenSSH;远程任意代码执行漏洞。

关于此 CVE:
- 这是 CVE-2006-5051 的 regression。
- 在开启 ASLR 的 i386 设备上,大约需要 6-8 小时获取 root shell;在开启 ASLR 的 amd64 设备上则可能需要约一周左右。
- 临时的修复是设置
LoginGraceTime 为 0,不过这会使 ssh 服务易于受到 DoS 攻击。

CVE: CVE-2024-6387

Affects: [8.5p1, 9.8p1)

#CVE #RegreSSHion

Telegram 原文 Rough way to calculate how far the lightning actually is: When you see the flash, start counting the seconds until the thunder. That amount divided by three is the amount of kilometers that the lightning is away from you.

photo of my friend's workplace. I'm glad you find it useful. thank you.

Heavy rain? The thunder is scaring the shit out of me. I want to sleep, but I can't. Because the sudden big bang sounds low and kept me frightened

First time setup a OpenMediaVault for my friend on his 12th gen NUC. With one NVMe disk for both boot drive and data, it's a fairly risky setup. But the progress went smooth: install system, replace the apt repo to a local one, install plugins to share root fs, install podman, set up proxy, figure out how to make podman use proxy, and finally install tailscale and plex.

I'm amazed how this system is flawless. It's community work, I thought it would be junky, expecting to deal with sneaky command line hack, but everything (other than podman) can be done in the web ui. And it's based on Debian 12, which means if OpenMediaVault didn't offer any plugin for the app I need, I can just install it for debian.

There are so much OSes that requires special care, for example, synology, true nas (the bsd based one), and unraid (you don't even get a package manager). I mean, they do have their good side, but they does need some workaround to work with.

With OpenMediaVault, in the end of the day, it's just a debian server. Lovely.

请所有加入了喵家中继 ( ) 的实例主检查您的文件数据记录 

请检查您的文件中是否有来自 于 2024 年 4 月 24 日(依据本地同步时间)上传的 MD5 为 622b3c33aaea1aa50eec84753d18b5b1 的文件,如果有的话请立刻删除,这个文件是恋童癖用于投毒使用的 CSAM 视频。

目前根据 的状态来看,该名用户的账号已经被封禁(或删除),且该内容应该也已被删除。但我们于 6 月 22 日的数据库备份存档中依然发现了这个内容,无法确定其具体的操作执行时间和相关同步情况。根据我们对象存储服务提供商给出的信息,这个文件会导致您的包括但不仅限于对象存储服务遭到警告。出于安全考虑,强烈建议您再确认一遍。


最后,非常感谢我们的对象存储服务提供商 Wasabi 给予我们的及时且热心的帮助,比某些屁都不放一个的友商好太多了。

1. 您也可以检查一下 MD5 为
f73ca5dc660d7ce404e2cf9278991f75 的文件,这个文件没有被喵窝缓存下来,但也是同一个用户发送的,大概率也是 CSAM 内容。
2. 如果您没法根据 MD5 查询文件,您可以试试根据用户去定位文件。即便成功通过 MD5 定位到了文件,出于安全考虑,最好也再用用户定位剩余的文件试一试。
3. 请不要因此次事件对任何一个实例有偏见。小站没有大厂那种管理和审核机制,导致被攻击者投毒的事件可能会落到任何一个实例上。攻击行为之所以出现,不是因为审核不严,而是因为有攻击者的存在。这样的事情未来一定还会再发生,在加强监察工作以减少攻击者入侵成功率的同时,也应当注意我们要作为一个团结的整体,去一同协力抵抗这群攻击者,而不要产生内讧。

A quick question.

Just found out that both the president of the US and China are pretty old. Biden is 80+, and XiJinping is 70+. I didn't check other countries' leaders age, but it looks like we are letting old people rule the world?

Not familiar with the US, but for China, a 71 years old man is simply too old to lead the country. I think this country needs more energy from a young (not younger, but young) leader.

Looks like either the seller gives the wrong dimensions or I measured wrong.

Anyway, this unit is wider than I thought. And all of my windows won't fit, so I set it up using the toilet.

Room temperature: 25C
Toilet temperature: 40C

Eight years of waiting, S03E12 is all we deserve? Kumiko strived for three years, and in the end of the day, a transfer student that never show up in the first two season, a nobody, just denied all her efforts and throw her back to the bottom?

What's wrong with you?

I don't know anything about music and performance. And I don't care. I came to anime, I came to KyoAni for getting the peace, the warmth, and the strength from the beautiful stories so I can facing my f*cking hard life. Now what I got? Disappointment, sadness, anger. Also insomnia.

This is the biggest failure in Asia. They should call Steven He for failure management.

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Eight years of waiting, S03E12 is all we deserve? Kumiko strived for three years, and in the end of the day, a transfer student that never show up in the first two season, a nobody, just denied all her efforts and throw her back to the bottom?

What's wrong with you?

I don't know anything about music and performance. And I don't care. I came to anime, I came to KyoAni for getting the peace, the warmth, and the strength from the beautiful stories so I can facing my f*cking hard life. Now what I got? Disappointment, sadness, anger. Also insomnia.

This is the biggest failure in Asia. They should call Steven He for failure management.

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