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🎉 New I2Pd software release available: v2.54.0 - I2Pd is an official version of #I2P. I2Pd uses a bit less memory and system resources than the java version of I2P. Both versions are equally valid depending on the use case.

#diva is a reseed service provider for the I2P network and is publishing #docker container versions of I2P (and also #tor). diva is a sponsored #OSS partner of docker.

Github #diva v2.54.0:


#diva 💙 contributors! Tx!

以色列打谁都是“误伤”,但这次对联黎部队开火这难道还能继续说误伤吗? 联黎部队是安理会78年设立的,比大多数活跃的twitter用户年龄都大。当时设立为了监督以色列从黎巴嫩撤出,结果搞了46年撤离始终没完全撤离,今天还又打回来了。当然了,支持以色列的人就算以色列炸了曼哈顿也会认为误伤的。


我每次出门如果买了奶茶水果smoothie 之类的,就会发自内心赞美自己支持了local small business ,是社会的中流砥柱,没花钱的时候就会赞美自己勤俭持家杜绝浪费;打车的时候是支持了灵活就业,坐公交时是提高公共交通utilization,走路是锻炼了心肺功能,目前还没坐过私人...

我每次出门如果买了奶茶水果smoothie 之类的,就会发自内心赞美自己支持了local small business ,是社会的中流砥柱,没花钱的时候就会赞美自己勤俭持家杜绝浪费;打车的时候是支持了灵活就业,坐公交时是提高公共交通utilization,走路是锻炼了心肺功能,目前还没坐过私人飞机算是为环保贡献了巨大的力量;认真干活是提高社会生产力,摸鱼划水是减少 peer pressure ;如果实在找不到什么词了,那就是生活不需要什么意义,无为而治是最洒脱的人生境界。


"Q: How do Install nvidia-legacy-300xx-driver on Debian Bookworm? Recently I've tried to follow a video of the 'Linux gaming experience'"

That's your first mistake.

My personal opinion:

I think Collin is so nice to people that he is being targeted. If someone said I'm not capable of maintaining software and wanted to keep me out of my own repo, I will happily ask them to go fuck themselves.

I have opened the source code, I slap a reasonable license on it. If you don't like me or the code, just fork it. I'm not paid to bear with your accusing and insulting. And yes, it is insulting considering someone dedicated his time and effort on the code that he is not being paid for. No matter good or bad, nobody should ever negate such effort.


Second thought:

I'm not saying being nice is a bad thing. One of my goals is to be nice to others. However, I can't say countless, but I do see several people being too nice to people and eventually hurting themselves, some of them are my friends.

I'm glad that I can be aggressive when I need to.

How a Hacker Saved The Internet
by fern

Kerbal Space Program, but Chinese edition.

If you live in Chine for long enough, you will notice that there is no respect to normal people. The rocket landing is one aspect of it. Another aspect is the big IT companies. For example, WeChat, used by almost every Chinese, it just shit everywhere in your phone. Can you believe an instant message app will need 100GB of storage? Another example is Tencent QQ, a mimic of OICQ, will scan the user's disk and report to home server. They are internet assholes.

There are countless situations that you, as a normal person, feel being insulted by the government and big companies.
The Problems with China's Space Program
by Real Engineering

Me doing demonstration during the sprint review:

The first demo works
The second demo works
The third demo does not work

At that moment, with the fear of losing my lovely Friday afternoon and being devoured by the endless debugging and headache, I understood why the code doesn't work at all is not the worst thing. The code partially working is the worst thing.


Luckily it's not a trick issue to solve. I must be blessed.

And guns are so good in Minecraft. Now I can go to the caves and start mining without getting scared by creepers.


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And guns are so good in Minecraft. Now I can go to the caves and start mining without getting scared by creepers.


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After I can host a Minecraft server in my home (with no static IPv6 address), and I have a domain hosted at Cloudflare, I suddenly realized instead of using the tunnel, which introduces latency, I can update the record based on my dynamic but global IPv6 address!

My friends were no longer required to update the server addresses everytime my ISP assigned me a new one.

It's not hard to call HTTP API using curl and parse the result using jq.

I love IPv6 (but still I need to disable my router's firewall)

With friends like this, who needs enemies :D

They ARE the enemies😂

Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System
by Veritasium


无意冒犯 = 接下来我要讲难听的话了,但这是无意的,所以你不准怪我
有则改之无则加勉 = 我血口喷人,但是这是为你好
我不是歧视 = 我接下来要歧视你了
纯路人 = 虽然我什么也不懂但是我就要插一嘴你们不准怪我

> The tools, supported by the U.S.-backed Open Technology Fund (OTF), have seen a surge of usage in Russia, Iran, Myanmar and authoritarian states that heavily censor the internet.

What do you mean by authoritarian states that heavily censor the internet? I guess they haven't figured out a way to break through Chinese GFW. LOL

Saw this drawing (Figure 1) in the Animal Crossing. Then remembered I saw similar makeup in a Japanese musical (Figure 2).

It looks like the black marker/makeup at the corners of the mouth is to show the personality of a character. In case this, it means this character is evil/vile.


First time visiting a dentist. Did a tooth cleaning. Then they found a hole on one of my teeth, asking me if I wanted to fill it. Of course I want to fill it.

Before the operation, the doctor asks me if I want to use sedation. I asked how pain it will be, the doctor said it will only be a little bit more painful than the cleaning. So I decide to not use any sedation.

And guess what? It's super painful. The cleaning is more like scratching the surface. But the drilling is inside my head. It feels like there is a group of construction crews working in my head.

Luckily, my teeth are doing great considering in the past years I didn't give them too much care. I only switched to an electric toothbrush last week.

Window frame antenna, receive only. Can listen to NHK (locator OL14). The swr and impedance are not suitable for transmission. Maybe a tuner can help?

加拿大作曲家抱怨 Windows 11 電腦問題不斷,上網求救才知兇手竟是來自客廳的Hisense智慧電視

『Narayan B 說明,由於該台智慧電視每個幾分鐘就會生成一組隨機 UUID,並透過 UPnP 協議進行自動連接,這就導致 Windows 不斷地識別到有新的設備,並將其添加到設備列表之中,隨著時間不斷累積,系統不斷去處理增生的設備而耗盡資源,陷入了 Deadlock(死結),也使得工作列、藍牙等相關功能隨之停擺。看起來就像是電視對個人電腦發動了 DDoS 攻擊一般。』




电视是安卓系统,抓包研究了一下,发现这东西每隔 10 分钟扫一遍我全家连网的设备,把 hostname 、mac 、ip 甚至网络延迟时间全传回去了,还探测周围的 wifi SSID 名称、mac 地址也打包传到这个 gz-data .com 的域名。

也就是说,家里有什么智能设备、手机在不在家、谁来家里连网了、周围邻居 wifi 叫什么名,随时采集上传,确定这不是间谍服务???』


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