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Simon boosted

@whitequark actual wikipedia quote:

>According to a study by the Carnegie Institution for Science's Department of Global Energy, the annihilation of so many human beings and cities under Genghis Khan may have scrubbed as much as 700 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere by allowing forests to regrow on previously populated and cultivated land.

genghis you wholesome ecological king ☺️

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software bloated, slow, full of bugs? time for a feature freeze. bring in the exterminators

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"There’s a problem.

Science is slowing down. Sort of. There are nuances.

[...] it’s the job of the editors to make teaching more efficient by making knowledge easier to learn. They find the best metaphors, the most effective teaching methodologies, the right problem sets, and so on, so that the teachers can convey the same amount of knowledge in decreasing amounts of time."

#Teaching #Science #Blog
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Sound: 13.7 billion years ago

Sound has its origin far back in time, not long after the disappointingly silent Big Bang. In fact, sound waves formed as soon as there was a medium for them, which was 300,000 years after the beginning of everything, and thirteen billion years before there was anyone to listen.”

Excerpt From: Mike Goldsmith. “Sound: A Very Short Introduction”


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@trenner @Sevoris I actually think this dynamic and contrast is incredibly important and fascinating. To me there are multiple warring cultures and belief systems in software development; the beautiful belief that everyone can learn and that being technical is a craft and a process, vs the competitive contest culture belief that only some are born to code and are solo elite coders and they should get all authority no matter how they behave. I think there simply ARE these huge contrasts

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Any sufficiently advanced systems thinking is indistinguishable from premature optimization

Simon boosted

Disappointed to see The Markup share advice for people to use WhatsApp in its post about preparing your phone for a protest, and that it's coming from "digital security trainers."

Metadata literally kills, and WhatsApp is swimming in it. The metadata they collect includes:

Groups you're a member of, location, personal info (email, phone number, user IDs), contacts and their phone numbers, in-app search history, when you use the app & how often you use it. E2EE alone doesn't guarantee #privacy

Simon boosted

If you were wondering, no, french journalists are still not on board adding in their threat model the french government as potential malicious actor targeting them for their work. They will prefer complaining that the law is not protecting them (and the whistle-blowers) well enough.

I'm tired.

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in retrospect, this may have been an insane overkill amount of effort done just because I wanted to add this high-res mode
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Unpacked one of the cat boxes and Tabby Loki is loose in Wellington, I don't even know if there's a TVA branch here!?

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#Tusky 25.1 is out, the difficulty for making it crash at startup is now again set to medium (was erroneously set to easy in 25.0)

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the problem with wizards starts with the pedagogy. first spells they ever learn are fireball and lightning bolt, of course they're liches before thirty

my teacher wouldn't show me any magic before I showed her I could have a disagreeable conversation without making any dangerous enemies. then the first spell I learned was "anti-osteoporosis," and here I still am

Simon boosted

Has anyone used this package for analyzing well-trainedness of neural network weights?

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It frustrates me that people in software space ask us so often what our items are and so little about how we create research practices and communicate with participants. It is obvious to me as a scientist that you need to create a "research situation" if you want to collect "research data." Shoving a link into a bunch of people's inboxes and never doing ANY of the work to explain, situate, contextualize, and make clear to them that their experiences are valued and for what? It's not gonna fly.

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"Finally, all of these terms—virtues, traits, competencies, or skills—have the disadvantage of implying that they are consistently demonstrated across all possible life situations. But they are not (Fleeson & Noftle, 2008; Mischel, 1968; Ross, Lepper, & Ward, 2010; Ross & Nisbett, 1991; Wagerman & Funder, 2009)."

(source: Duckworth & Yeager 2015)

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The song has ignited a conversation about whether it's appropriate to make light of the ongoing conflict on campuses and the war in Gaza. For No$hu, it's not only pertinent — it's necessary. In conversation with Mashable, he pointed to a quote by anarchist printer Jack Frager paraphrased from anarcho-feminist icon Emma Goldman’s autobiography Living My Life. "If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution."


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2) Google is a strange dysfunctional conglomerate. Search/Ads is/was one of the best businesses ever: Extremely high margin, network effects etc. - at the price of requiring heavy R&D for scale, search quality etc. -- a lot of early Google culture was built for such a business.

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Simon boosted

If you read about retirement, the number one issue that impacts retirees is feeling a lack of purpose. They don't know what to do with themselves. And they didn't realize how much they depended on work to give them direction.

My problem is a little different. I care about a lot of things. But I can't do them all. Have to make some hard choices about where to focus my time and attention.

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Simon boosted

*Deep breath* okay. Okay! After a bunch of fiddling I have discovered that, inexplicably, disabling "Touch Haptics" causes the vibrate-on-phonecall-connection to stop without having to disable vibration completely. That makes *no sense*, and it sucks because the touch haptics are a critical part of what makes Android feel good to use despite the removal of physical buttons, but it means I can continue to use my phone as an alarm clock so it's "good enough".

…I am still very angry at [carrier].

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Simon boosted

So when I receive estimates from engineers, I work with PMs or go-to-market teams to sketch out agreed upon timelines for them to be ready for handoff. Those teams usually have goals driven quarterly KPIs or OKRs.

So for example, "We're on the hook for $2MM in new revenue next quarter. If we can get this new thing from engineering, I can tell my team to push it in sales calls."

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