@solar_chase very interesting conversation! You mentioned electrolyzers, which made me curious on your take regarding terraform industries. They're trying to build cheap-but-less-efficient electrolyzers to take advantage of low solar prices.
And here's the podcast. It was so much fun to argue with Michael again. He's wrong about 1 cent/ kilowatt-hour solar, by the way.
Working on the next XLConnect release. The master branch build can be installed the usual way:
or using r-universe:
install.packages("XLConnect", repos = c("https://miraisolutions.r-universe.dev", "https://cloud.r-project.org"))
@simon In reality the Enterprise computer requests were sent to cheap labour on Zargon V.
I'm fascinated by how difficult LLM-based AI systems are proving to use
Makes me realize that the Star Trek ship computers are actually a pretty good representation of this: you need to have a very high level of experience to know to say things like "Computer: reroute auxiliary power to the forward shield emitters"
Much like getting ChatGPT et al to reliably-enough perform useful tasks for you!
@kellogh this stood out as I'm reading "the Courage to be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi, and it says something quite similar on self-acceptance.
i’m definitely not against making big changes, quite the contrary, i just realize that i will always be me. no matter how much i grow, some things are unchangeable. i can see those as faults, or i can find a way to make them assets
Okay, this is part of my contribution to the idea of a monoculture on mastodon.
I'm Nigerian. Nigeria is about to go on a huge public strike, and I haven't heard anything about it here. Now, I don't blame anyone for that, obviously, but I think it shows the fact that perhaps there aren't as many Africans as I'd like.
@oxidecomputer since I still haven't watched Silicon Valley, I learned while listening to this what Bryan actually means by "reporting to the chair" (I naively thought it was reporting to the chair of the board of directors)
Curiosity: the ultimate business superpower. Get the full Software Misadventures podcast here: https://softwaremisadventures.com/p/oxide-ditching-the-rules?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
@whitequark looking forward to the urban dictionary entry for "cisabled"
Thinking about submitting a talk proposal to a quirky lil tech conference with the working title "It’s Easier to Learn a Programming Language than a Foreign Language: An Unpopular Opinion."
For "who is she to claim this!?" context: I learned how to code as an adult, after ~ 8 years teaching English as a second/foreign language. I have an M.A. in this area, and am versed in linguistics and the science of second language acquisition.
Would you want to hear this talk? Or will I be heckled lol...
@HalvarFlake I have found it helpful to talk to GenAi when stuck on a problem, but I suspect it's just a more advanced (and less self-conscious) form of rubber-duck debugging. I wonder if anyone has tried talking through their (technical) issues with ELIZA...
code / data wrangler in Switzerland.
Compulsive reply guy. Posts random photos once in a while.